Yes. I also noticed. I wanted to order my pre-paid card but there is no option to write a longer address. You have the option as if everyone would live at the house with a level, or at the villa (street and number). If I have a long address because I live in the block, what do I do? I'll send them an email on this topic.
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Maybe we have to wait for a while until they are 100% ready.
Da. Asteptam pentru ca nu avem ce face. Caut o metoda de retragere fiat cu card prepay, dar nu am gasit nici o optiune valabila in acest moment. Revolut are limite prea mici de retragere.
De Revolut am aflat de puțin timp, nu știu prea multe. Eu caut variante ușoare să scot SBD / Steem.