RefuseFascism is at it, again.
These folks just won't let this issue die.
They are tired of being told what to do by old white guys!
Especially, if it a Cheeto looking dude!
Trump and Pence #OUTNOW!
Trump has been impeached!
A cause for celebration and increased determination.
Now let’s go all the way to drive Trump and the whole fascist regime from power.
Everyone with a conscience must face this hard truth.
But that alone is not enough—we must now ACT ON IT.
Movement of sustained, nonviolent protest that doesn’t stop until the regime has been removed from power. There is a way to remove this whole regime—the #OUTNOW!
Donald Trump has been impeached in the House of Representatives, indicted on two charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
For all of us who have looked on in horror as this regime’s crimes escalate—children in cages, environmental protections shredded, violence threatened against political opponents, and more—it is a moment of celebration that at last this fascist criminal is getting a first taste of justice.
This is a real advance.
With impeachment, we enter 2020, the fourth year of this hateful presidency, on new terrain.
The terms have now changed, in a way that greatly heightens the potential for driving out the whole fascist Trump/Pence regime.
With a new surge of hope and energy, now is the time to seize the moment and join together, recognizing that only a determined struggle of thousands and then millions taking to the streets in continuing protests can create a crisis from below that could force this whole regime from power.
Atlanta: January 5 1:00 pm Ebrik Coffee Room 16 Park Place NE Atlanta Facebook event
Boston: January 5 3:00 – 5:00 pm Windsor Street Community Center, 119 Windsor Street, Cambridge
Chicago: January 4 2:00 pm About Face Theater Offices 5252 N. Broadway Chicago
Facebook event
Cleveland: January 4 3:00 pm St. Paul’s Community Church 4427 Franklin Blvd Cleveland Facebook event
Houston: January 4 2:00 pm St. Stephens Community House, 1755 Sul Ross at Woodhead, Houston 77098 Facebook event
Los Angeles: January 5 2:00 – 5:00 pm Sepulveda Peace Center 3916 Sepulveda, Culver City Facebook event
New York: January 5 2:00 pm Asian American Writers Workshop 112 West 27th Street 6th floor Facebook event
Philadelphia: January 4 2:00 pm South Philadelphia Library 1700 South Broad Street Facebook event
San Francisco: January 5 3:30 – 5:30 pm First Unitarian Universalist Center, Fireside Room 1137 Franklin Street, San Francisco Facebook event
Contact us @ [email protected] to volunteer, to donate to cover expenses, to provide places for people to stay…Volunteer to join #OUTNOW! in DC during the Impeachment trial.
Saturday, January 11 mass protests—as the Impeachment process is in full swing.
Times & Places
Go to for a protest near you or how to organize your own #OUTNOW! protest. Watch this space for times and places to mobilize to bring #OUTNOW! into protests.
Times & Places
Watch this space for times and places for meetings in your area. Email info to [email protected].January 18–20 Bringing the program of continuing, sustained mass protest to demand #OUTNOW! to the Women’s Marches.
January 25 Mass protests in cities across the country that mark a leap in sustained nonviolent protest demanding OUTNOW!
Times & Places
Watch this space for times and places for meetings in your area.
Email info to [email protected].
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! | @RefuseFascism | 917-407-1286
As you can see, dear reader, they are quite serious about getting the folks out into the streets.
Like it, or not, nothing changes until grandmas throw rocks at cops.
When the grandmas are attacking the cops they know something will have to change.
Until then, not so much.
It is easy for them to pick us off one at a time.
Depends on how we hijack their momentum,...
A rising tide lifts all ships.
Exercises in futility - TRUMP/PENCE OUT! followed by SOME DEMOCRATS IN.
Same shit, different color.
Freedom will not be on the ballot, but has to be won in the streets, daily.
Until our own minds create it, we don't have it.
Anything that causes the apathetic morons that pass for normal in this country to get out in the streets opens them to many alternatives, not just the one.
Just because i am at the counter rally doesn't mean I'm against the folks on the other side.
I want them to be free, too.
Same shit, different color.

the classic "hillary clinton is an ultra leftist" meme has struck again
Absolutely, the iron fist is putting on a less satanic glove.
Antifa is behaving nowadays like Hitler Jugend did back then. Trump is elected president not leader of a fascist regime. You all live in lala-dreamland brainwashed like hell. Maybe the Antifa people are the new NAZIs, camoflaged as Antifa but behaving like Nazis?

Maybe the problem lies much deeper? the whole party system is a fraud. It is here to give you the illusion of influence, the illusion you live in the land of the free. So what are you fighting for? Hillary? good luck. so for 2020 election no matter id femocrats or republicans win, you will see more wars based on lies
to make it clear: I am not a trump fan, neither a Hillary fanboy. the whole system is a big farce fake democracy anyway.....
Don't be surprised to learn that you have been misled about antifa, the ones i've talked to have been ancom.
In case you don't know, ancoms, that are violent, seek freedom through violence, they don't seek to impose anything, merely oppose things being forced upon them.
Once rule by force is renounced by the copsuckers, the violence will stop.
The impunity will end.
I always like to see an opposite view. Now I live in the middle of nowhere actually saving the planet, your mind, and the lives of all those you see around you. Even though out here, I know the United States is in 7 wars at moment. And possibly 9 if recent events are added. That doesn't count the drug war. Which I hear the Mexicans are busy fighting with real bullets, while at my house, I tend to grab smugglers, place them in a neat pile, and bounce up and down on them while I drink my beers. Now I have a degree in your studies which is maddening, so I understand it and ask you this question: do you even know what fascism is? Really. Do you?
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms,...
Fascism is being homeless in a country with more empty houses than people that need them, starving those folks while destroying food to keep the prices high, all while denying dental care based on income.
I think i got some idea of what fascism is,...
That's not fascism. That's persons in charge lying about statistics so that presidents and congresses make the wrong decisions. Fascism is like national socialism or more like what happened in Italy under Mussolini. It is a dictatorship which appears to have been run by the most superior on earth. All wealth is consolidated into the hands of a few, they own everything and end result appears to be designed to accomplish 3 things: vast technology increases, a return to serfdom or enslavement of everybody, and a vast population reduction. The other things it does is get rid of religion and burn books, get the fascist country divided in half.
At this time, we are controlled by a very small group of people who do control all the wealth, they do own everything, we are all enslaved, and they are trying to reduce the population. They do think they are superior, obviously. They are controlling the information and feeding us lies and trying to ban the truthful information from getting out to us. Conquer and divide is their tactic.
You have to research and study what is going on around you. It is sad that you don't realize what is going on. If you keep following and studying the information that @freebornangel provides, as well as other awakened people on this platform, then you will be become more enlightened and you will learn the truth.
All the best to you :)
Fascism is rule by force.
Rule by force is a social disease.
Who has it and what they do with it are symptoms.
If your utopia doesn't need men with clubs and guns, I'm open to hearing it.