When there is a war on for your mind it doesn't matter which side you get your info from, its all propaganda.
Maybe you like your propaganda from the right, maybe you like your propaganda from the left.
I like mine from both sides.
It let's me know what those who just want to change my boss is thinking.
It really doesn't matter to me if my boss is a lefty, or a righty, either way I'm still a slave.
You got to decide for you.
I hope you get your data from more than just the circle jerk that agrees with you.
This report takes us inside a street action of the left.
From the story:
On Monday, July 23 vicious theocrat/Vice President Mike Pence went to Philadelphia. Refuse Fascism initiated a protest to send the message through word and deed we refuse to accept a fascist America. This nightmare must end! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
Pence is one of the most dangerous reactionary figures in modern history. Not only has he instituted the most anti-women, anti-science, and anti-LGBTQ policies while Governor he has dutifully supported and been instrumental in every Trump policy since they made their unholy, “holy” alliance to bring Christian Fascism to to the heart of this regime. He is a key figure in ushering in a theocratic society right out of the Handmaids Tale. A Christian Fascist, he has made it his life mission to terrorize women and the LGBTQ community and people of color. Read RefuseFascism.org Indictments of the Trump/Pence Regime.
Get more pics, and the rest of the story here:
I learned.. especially in the last decade, to do my own research. I don't necessarily listen to ALL the propaganda, but some does seep into my brain; can't help it, I'm human.
But I do look at things. I take into consideration any aspect.
In regards to the 2016 Presidential election... I knew I didn't want the same old, same old. I mean, where has it gotten us so far?
Did I want another 4 or 8 years of more freebies for the lazy? Did I want the national debt to double (or worse, triple) in the next decade?
Or do I want a person who knows business? Knows how to make good deals? Someone who wasn't bought and paid for?
yeah.. my decision was made WAY before the primaries in 2016. WAY before
If you've looked into the record of hitlary, she got fired from a den of lying snakes for lying!
Then there is this.
She would be horrible with her finger on the button.
The poor people on welfare arent the problem, its the billions going to rich people on welfare, but because they control the flashylight box, we want to blame the homeless guy.
(It would take him millions of years to add up to one sweetheart contract.)
When most likely he would be glad to have somewhere he could work.
He probably doesnt want to shave, spend his wages on nice clothes, or show up 40 hours a week, week after week, but day labor he would likely do if employers dropped the first two hurdles.
I agree, if we got to have a boss, tramp was a better choice than hitlary.
Though, i voted libertarian.
I only voted at all because making drug possession a misdeamenor was on the ballot in my state.
Being vigilant in this manner, may help us find 'truth' , which exists somewhere outside of these 'two' movements.
Its likely that no two of us will ever see anything exactly the same.
Its when we close off outside sources of knowledge because they contradict us that the problems start.
The principal! He will give me TP! I would hate for my bungholio to get polio....Where I come from, we have no bunghole.
So tired of people like Bob Avakian who are doing nothing more than acting like demagogues, whipping the people up into a frenzy and helping to further demonize people today for atrocities that were committed generations ago, even hundreds of years ago. They are so blinded by the false, left/right paradigm that they cannot even see that the entire political construct is a smokescreen for class warfare. The problem is the outdated and obsolete concept of government, and why the majority of people still believe it needs to exist at all.
Hey, thats my link!
This one is good, too!
I dont guess i know anything about bob, i stopped looking towards gurus for answers a decade ago.
Most people have to follow, they cant be bothered to think for themselves.
Its a crappy world, but we got to start with something.
Yep! You turned me on to Kropotkin, I had not read his work until you posted the link. I was familiar with the Anarchist Library because I had read some other works previously. The volume of work they have on that website is enormous.
Yes, more than we could ever read.
Emma Goldman and Alex Berkman are good places to get started, too.