
That's what it says.
You put it there not me.
Or are you saying you did not know what you were doing?

Nah, its about you self voting your comments with all of your alt accounts which is bad for the ecosystem :D

Literally nothing to do with Pakx. But I understand that you are mentally challenged, so its ok buddy.

You keep saying that NS. What difference to the economy does it make where i place a vote.

The only stupidity is not to use it.

Or to think using in one place as opposed to another makes a difference to the Hive economy. That is so fukin wokey lame.

It just shows how little you know of economy and how it works. Yer a Kamala Joe.

Yer a Kamala Joe.

Should that be an insult to someone who doesn't live in the US? xD
I don't care about your 3rd world country buddy xD Wake up :D

It's a mentality statement.
Read last comment muppet.

You are right, Calling you Kamale Joe is probably lifting you up a few rungs on the ladder.

Your brain is fking melted from all of the propagada and R40 dude haha xD

Now stfu ye waste of space.
Ye Kamala Joe. One rule for for those who agree with you and the rest can fuk off and get called out for doing the same thing.Here ye go, Go tell Hivepakistan not to vote on any other account it is related to, Or the other way around. Not to vote on any post from or for @dlmmqb @dlmmqb to bote on Hivepakistan.

You should stop defending people until you have the smarts in the head to do so.

Now you are just a troll.