Results of experiment.

in #risingstar10 hours ago

Experiment and Art.


I wonder could I keep up to do a post a day for a month to get the badge. lol
I would like to grind this first month or two. Get something solid on the ground so to speak.


The concept is three easy steps.

  1. Build a generator.
  2. Fuel it.
  3. Let it run.

How you view or interpret what those three thongs mean, may differ from mine. That's the magic.
This project is acting as a proof of concept. Generator built fueled and running.

On a small scale it shows the power of people working together to improve things for everyone. Regardless of social standing. The benefits are equal to everyone. The equity is equal to input, the effort you put in, is the reward you get. (With random luck on cards selection).

Scale it up. Providing a demand for HBD and HIVE.

Support this project and @stickupmusic with a vote. Improve the value of your cards.

Both accounts support the game


What is Rising Star?

A game developed around music.
The game is free to play.
You can earn crypto tokens from the game.
Trading cards are used to provide in game points.
Cards can be purchased in game packs or on various exchanges.

Beginners must level up their avatar to open new missions and then areas.
Missions provide a reward of the game token STARBITS.
Rewards can be used in game to purchase music from original artists around the world.
Rewards may also be withdrawn and exchanged on markets.

Image provided by @stickupboys


This post might ends up being much longer than I thought it was going to be, when I thought about it back on Tuesday. From everything I cannot foresee. It will be long.

Well let me start off with something I am going to try. It has feck all to do with the game. Other than while doing what I am doing in the Gamesupport. Old thoughts came back and I said to my mind. You should start that now.

So I am going to. While I was making posts for the game. I also wanted the post to be a bit more than just plain text. I do those with @thehive all the time. This account is Rising Sr=tar orientated. I would like the posts to look somewhat fanciful.

Stickupboys allowed me the use of his images when I had none. He is also very active in the game and among the community. So we will leave our advertisement to Stickupboys in our posts.

In search of art for the project. I dreaded the thoughts of opening paint and piecing pieces together. So I had a look at those AI arts. People seemed to be doing okay with them and the art they make. Even some are selling them.

So, here is a bunch of art I made and it is free to use. It is Rising Star orientated.

Screenshot_1032.png RSGS.png RSGS1.png Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_2.png Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_6.png Screenshot_8.png Screenshot_5.png Screenshot_7.png Rising Star Header 1.png

For myself I am going to spend an hour every now and then making a bit of art using the AI. I am going to place them in my discord server and have them available for subscription of 10 HIVE a year or a one time payment of 100 HIVE.

Something like that.

That's one thing off the mind and I won't have to remember I was going to do.

Told ye it would be long :P Can;t help be a long post with all those images.

Okay that's it. Long post done.

^^ Zoking.
Read on.



We have 3.65 Claimed so far.
Another one will come in before I post this post. Another eleven hours. So I will be finishing this post just before I go to bed or, Just after I wake up. Saying that, waking up can take up to 2 hours.

I will have to come back to this chapter later when the claim comes in.



I bet you all thought I was going to do something weird. Well I am not. I am going to buy the cheapest cards again. Gonna twist this buy though. That;s the reason I wanted the HBD to build a little bit. Hopefully over 5 HBD. That would be about 25 plus HIVE right now. It would buy about 2,355,750 STARBITS.

Only that is not what happened.

Before I go in to the purchase. Oh Jeazus. The graph, Don't let me forget that. Remind me to do that before I click post.
I was going to run a contest in this post. But I forgot to add it before I posted.

Before I go to the purchase. Let me try give a background why I tried to change things around a bit. Sometime I think I see things and the things are wrong. I see the same thing now with what I am doing. This could only be seen after starting. It is just effects side effects knock-on and stuff. Basically what we wanted to happen happened. But we are not doing it right. Because there is a big flaw in what we are doing. This is one of those times when it is not wrong or right, It is just a situation, a bend in the road.

Apologies about the feeling of having to try explain the above. I am Pro game, well pro Rising Star, we can try improve on that over time. But the things I say often appear to be against. Call it bad phrasing.

Big shout out to @mobi72 from the Rising Star discord server. Thank you for showing the interest, That's the fuel to keep moving forward.


You can head on over to and have a look at the cards yourself. There are various filters available. I began this just clicking on the cheapest cards by STARBITS request.

image.png image.png

There is the listing for the cheapest cards on the market. Currently at 499 STARBITS for 1 LUCK. That's where I fecked up from the start. and as @diegoloco just mentioned in chat. He has no feckin interest in luck cards wit 1,5 or 10 luck. I am going to take that as he find better deals with other cards. Because that is what I have seen. That led me to other conclusions that I was doing things ass backward.

What I show you next. No that is not the way we went either. Buying Rare cards. But it is the agenda for the future. Monday :)

image.png image.png

To buy the same amount of luck with common cards as 1 rare card. You would spend over 30,000 STARBITS. Well a few people will have done well out of the past month. A few old listing will also have been removed.

The request for rare cards will have to rise to meet the request of common cards. Advancing the game and the marketplace for the game is part of the same thing here. When cards become more aligned in request and luck amount we can jump between both. So changes are getting made. I am watching what I am doing.

For the common cards, as with all decks, they tend to end up worth nothing, unless a new player wants to complete a deck. Not really much point to holding those in the graveyard. Only giving the gravedigger endless work. The common cards will be available. Or there is a good chance of that. Simply because of the game player characters. The whole community is helpful and I am sure someone holding multiple common cards would be willing to part with one.

If nothing else we have advanced from the starting point.

This one's for Jux.
You asked for a graph. Here it is.


It's day one. Nothing happened yet.

So everything is 0 up, 0 across.
That was so funny in my head.
Coming below. The chart I think is better to watch. Let me know good and bad thoughts.

Also. (still to Jux) Cause I think you be reading this anyway. Save time in your DMs.
The 10% you suggest for player to take for a post. I thought that was a great Idea for encouragement.
For myself. I thought taking the funds like so would make me look bad. The account is dedicated to Rising Star, (think you know that). I did however take advantage of position. Or a minor liberty to better the standing of the account I manage.

I have The shop hosts the coffee machine. This has the potential after another 2 or 3 weeks. to add an additional €50 per week to the Huckleberrie account, some will go to Coltdelegation for a period of 30 weeks If I am very lucky he will part with €1,500 and say go. If an agreement can be made. There will be popcorn too. Side story ha. This account does not currently post. My time is used in other places right now. Spending time in the shop is not possible. Part of this would be getting the shop to post something daily or 3 times a week.

Then I have Silverquest. The longest running lottery on the chain. This account posts 4 times a week. Two posts for the ticket and 2 posts for the results. Once and a while I add an extra one. If I can mage to set up a three day window.

Then I have Thehive. Posts sporadically. Can go a month or do 3 posts in a week. While doing the gamesupport. For a while one or two a week from Thehive.

Posts from these accounts get the benefit of the HP building up. Beyond that, the account follows and votes Risingstar only. So I have a tiny kickback.

I added rsgraveyard to the beneficiaries. Maybe you could have rsgraveyard follow gamesupport. If you could click it to follow comments too. This would add to the rewards and look cool having the graveyard following us around. That account will take time to grow but worth is in months down ;). More so the HBD. As that grows. My thought is, you use that to get some Legend cards or cards you think would be an asset to the vault.



We may find that we end up buying common cards listed as the cheapest type. I have removed the common card from the post. I till update the total if any come in. No need to have it saying 0 bought each post for a while. Just a start and end bid for the rare.

Starting Bid.


End Bid.

Yea. Not going with those this time. Scroll down to the end of post for the Bids.

This is the type of chart I am starting with. This could change at any post/ It will change. Don;t really like the look of that one.But I have to start my chart work somewhere.

image.png Yea I changed it.


1.16 AM about to break for a while or go to sleep. Jumping back up to get the starting bid posted. I am very doubtful that is going to rise any in the next few hours.

There is a greater chance this purchase will be common. With the cost of a pack of cards 10,000 STARBITS. 3 cards to a pack. the average cost is 334 rounded up.We know not all cards have the same playing value. This is what gives the cards value. The more a card can provide. The greater the value it has. Regardless of its genre or rarity.

A common card could be worth more than a rare or epic card. I am not about stopping that happening. But that is not the goal here. For this post I am going to attack the cheapest cards with requests for HIVE.

I have a theory that more STARBITS going to packs to get more cards to sell for HIVE is a better road to try establish. Buying the cards for STARBITS is only half way there. Some, going to tag @trentonlundy1 here. When the cards are sold. STARBITS generally go back to the game by more packs or in game actions. These STARBITS are recycled back to origin so to speak. I think the same is true for many I have seen list cards over the last month. Trenton I used because I bounced some ideas of him too for player feedback.

If people know they will have a better chance of selling their cards for HIVE than STARBITS. They will list for HIVE. Bit of an assumption there, might take a while before they notice. Some players might start flipping. Buying with STARBITS and selling for HIVE. In part this saves us having to turn all HIVE to STARBITS for the requests to rise. What I see happening might not be what happens. But I will learn something.


We are going to go with no common cards on the charts. There will be a total in the statistics. Not in the chart though. 100,000 common to 25 Epic is not great to have on the same chart. So while the common cards we will still track and keep a count. They will not visually appear in the chart.

Maybe the reason is obvious now why I did not say why I was not exchanging and buying. I wanted to build up a bit of HBD for HIVE. Then spend all of the HIVE just on cheapest cards for HIVE.

The Market Today.

We had 3.60 HBD and got another claim.


Token exchange



28 HIVE to spend.
So this is what we got.

image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png

1,433 common.
1 rare.
1 epic.

362 Common.
13 rare.

492 common.
4 epic.

Starting Bid


End Bid

image.png !

Card.Common Luck.Rare Luck.Common FansRare FansTransport Common.Transport Epic

I see now the use of charts.
The next post will have a couple of charts at least. One cart for HBD HIVE STARBITS. Another chart for cards. Will I need to do more than one chart for the cards though. One for all Common one for all rare. Or try get all cards on one chart.

image.png image.png image.png


Is all common cards all rare all epic all legend. Good enough for a chart or a breakdown of the lesson people transport.


I have my own thoughts on the benefits of buying with HIVE. I would like to hear your opinions.
The purchase of cards with HIVE will not be a daily thing. The cards purchased will be varied.

In buying with the HIVE I think we found a few older cards that we would not have gained from the STARBITS purchase.

If we see cards going low in one area. Chances will be those are the cards we will purchase. It does not mean we will. There will be a time when I try for an Epic run and just buy up some epic cards. Maybe a time when I just get common luck all week. Availability of time is a key factor in the choice I will make for a purchase. If I have no time at all. The days purchase could be just the cheapest Legend.

Those who traded cards for HIVE. Now they are not selling STARBITS. Some might buy more STARBITS. Or use the HIVE for those special cards you can only get from a HIVE pack purchase. They may also use some to purchase STARBITS.


Accounts stats.

Delegated to.---



Musician, artist. @stickupboys.
Card Purchases and transfers are made from. and
Chart generator.
Philosopher (Non accredited), writer, developer, anti-woke @thehive and Aria (Opera browser AI).

SupportStakedDelegated In.
Delegation Out.--

well might be cool, I thought we basically trying to burn

lol no not my intention.

Strengthen the trade of cards.
Encourage the spending of BITS for cards.

Saying that. You also need to find the balance of pushing one thing too far.

The STARBITS will do their thing basically. And yes I will be purchasing to buy cards, More so with STARBITS then HIVE. The goal is removal of cards from the playing arena.

Less cards out there for trade, Higher a value can be seen for an individual card.
The HIVE purchases on a regular basis will encourage more to list for HIVE (maybe).

Buying the common cards is paying way over the value for card stats. That is why I am trying different things. There is no right way or wrong way. Just the things we try and then use the best we find within.

Ultimately, There will be more BIT and more CARDS than can be purchased. Swimming up a Niagara Fall. Shifting things around and targeting different things randomly will help keep a balance and not push one genre or card type too far.

No matter what is done, tomorrow we will need to adapt and alter and change something to make things better. The worst we can do is mess up, Never F up.

cool we will just focusing on burning SB lol

Big shout out to @mobi72 from the Rising Star discord server. Thank you for showing the interest, That's the fuel to keep moving forward.

Pleasure is all mine.

I'll check what cards I can spare for this. It is an interesting project and, I am sure, would be proven good support for RisingStarGame.

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I wish I was this diligent as you. Great job here! More power to you.

Thank you.
One day I will put greater effort to fighting banks and politicians.