The Great Remix EP - Rising Star Release!

in #risingstar9 months ago (edited)

The Great Remix - Rising Star Release!

I have finally finished working on the new EP and it's only on Rising Star until next week or so.. depending on how things go.

All the NFT's are for on sale this minute:

No-one Is Above The Law:

Creating this song is the most fun I've had in quite awhile, and it's a mix of our fearless leaders in the US all saying the same damned thing like a bunch of freaking parrots.


They all are a bunch of lying s.o.b's, and do their best to sell us all out. All Politicians break the law.. it's just who has the most MIC pull and the most $$$ to get off. They like to think they are above the law.. time will tell.

Let Go:

This one features Alan Watts and is a long song, and I tried to bring a good message with this song for people to finally wake up to all the BS that is going on around them. One can only hope.

No Rest For The Wicked:

This one is an instrumental of N.I.A.T.L and I figured it would make a nice lil bonus track to round out the selections and keep just under the 30 minute mark for a full EP. Here is the first track for preview.. it's lower quality than HD Audio cuz Soundcloud only likes 44110 and 16 bit apparently lolz.

All EP NFT's on RisingStar are HD Audio MP3. 💪

As I have stated previously.. I have no love for Klaus Schwab and his ilk.. along with his minions. That's why the title is The Great Remix. I've mixed all these bad actors into the first three tracks. The WEF has infiltrated just about every government in the world and I hope they choke the bugs they want us to eat.

Own Nothing.. Be Happy.. FUCK YOU KLAUS. 🖕

Also on the EP is Monsters Are Real and Hackable Animals to round out the tunes.

Anyhow.. check out the EP when you get a chance to head on over to Rising Star.. give it a listen while you are on a mission, and if you are so inclined.. grab an NFT of the song. 🙃

Thanks for listening.. Peace Out!


Awesome post! Politicians are all dirtier than hell... I'm going to have to get back into playing again, I keep forgetting to check the open window!

LOL I can relate.. too many things on muh plate.. I never get any time to play a game nowadays. :D Have a great night my friend.