The truth is that Matt never ever thought that his life would take so many turns to the point of finding himself face to face with someone very important. It was the person who in his adolescence was little less than a deity for him, that's how important this person was. Look at him. As a young man he had been a great and inveterate fan of Juan. This man was a very famous rocker. And yes, at the time he became a legend. Matt grew up listening to his music, for him his music was a help or rather an escape from the situation in which he grew up. His parents were very poor and he had to get by with the little he had.
That's why he got depressed so often. But Juan's music always helped him when he was like that. But this didn't last forever, it was a shame for everyone, but especially for Matt who was his most loyal fan. What happened is that Hale disappeared from the map in the worst possible way. He didn't even officially say goodbye to his fans. What happened to him was a chain of disasters, drugs, scandals, and cancelled concerts. When you don't take care of your career and you do all those things, you can expect the worst. And that's what happened. Juan's career ended at the moment when he was doing the best, when his future was bright. It was a disaster, no fan could believe that overnight he would no longer continue making music.
His manager was the one who made the announcement that he was retiring from music. But Juan didn't say a word on social media or in interviews. His manager explained that Juan no longer took his career seriously and that was why he was retiring. That was how everything ended his career for good. And well, Matt had to move on with his life, although it is true that this hurt him a lot, he could not spend his whole life regretting it. That is why, with time, he stopped thinking about him, obviously not because he stopped caring about him.
But you know, Juan's example taught him a lot of things. In other words, the things you should avoid doing in life so that you don't end up doing badly like him. On the other hand, since he grew up listening to his music, he later continued in this world of music. That is, without playing any instrument or anything like that. In fact, he doesn't have any skills and doesn't know how to play any musical instrument, but Juan's example motivated him to help other singers so that they don't end up doing the same thing as him. So he ended up being a manager. Now he is dedicated to guiding famous singers and singers who are just starting out. With his guidance, many have gone far. It is because of this and other things that he has gained a lot of reputation and has many good contracts every year.
He has spent more than 14 years in this industry. They have been very profitable 14 years full of success. Of course, there have been some failures, but they are very isolated. Not long ago, something interesting happened. Matt used his contacts to find out something about Juan's life. She hadn't heard from him for over 20 years. So she kept wondering if he was still alive or what had happened to him. Gena, his secretary, contacted Juan's former manager to ask what had happened to him and, based on what he told her, she informed Matt.
She found out that he had secluded himself with his family and moved to another state to get away from it all. Now he was repairing watches in a watch shop. When she found out this she was happy because she knew that Matt had been wanting to know something about him for years. When she told him he was very impressed, he wondered how someone like him could have fallen so low from being a rock star to being a person that no one knows anymore and now the worst thing was that he was a watchmaker, he didn't even pursue a career in music. But it didn't stop there. For the first time in a year this was the real opportunity he had to meet him in person. He wanted above all to thank him for the career he had in the past.
In fact everything he has now was indirectly influenced by Juan. That's why he planned to visit him by surprise in a few weeks with the purpose of repairing a watch and now he could see him at once. That's how it all happened. He traveled to the watch shop and when he looked at the counter who was there was the same person in person. At that monument he didn't know what to say to him. It was clear that he was no longer the same man she had seen in photos and videos from his glory days. All that was apparently a thing of the past. Then Matt came in with the excuse to fix the watch.
After he fixed his watch, he noticed Matt and realized that he was the famous manager that everyone often talked about. So he asked him how the music world was currently, and if it was very difficult to start from scratch. Matt was very surprised by this strange question because it was as if he had indirectly told him that it was possible to come back, so he thought of offering him something very special. First he said yes it was him. And before Juan could say anything else he explained what his real reason for visiting him was. He also explained who Juan had been to him in the past and how his example had helped him inspire others.
Juan didn't know what to say, he just started crying. Then he told him that he was happy for him and for what he had achieved. He also confessed that he knew he had screwed up. He hadn't tried hard enough and he threw his career away and that it was too late to come back. Matt touched his shoulder and told him that it was never too late to come back. He offered to be his manager and give him free advice on how to become a star again, even better than before. Juan couldn't believe it, but he accepted, thinking it was a second chance that life was giving him. Now let's hope he takes advantage of it. For his part, Matt will do everything possible to rescue him and turn him into a legendary star again.
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