Don't follow others just to fit in, Vicky.

in #risingstar7 days ago


You see, Vicky wasn't like the others. As a child, she was seen moving around the street without anything else mattering, dancing without thinking about what others might say. Her body always moved to its own rhythm, without much ceremony. We can say that she was born with a lot of talent. In particular, she really liked to dance Hip hop. But despite this ability that she had since her childhood, she didn't start out in this world of dance. In fact, the career she graduated from is totally opposite to what she wanted, she did it mainly to follow the example of her friends and not so much for what she wanted. She graduated as a veterinarian and worked in a specialized center. But later in her life she realized that this was not her life, it was not what she was looking for. Since she was little, she knew that one way or another she would end up being a hip hop dancer.


Vicky is a good example of why we should follow the careers we like and not choose them because others recommend it to us or because we follow our friends wherever they go. Well, she left her job as a veterinarian and began to dedicate herself fully to dancing. Of course, at first it was not easy for her to adapt to her new life, but she had to do it if she wanted to follow her dream. After looking for work for a while, she found a record company that paid for hip hop dancers. Their job would be to appear in the singers' videos and serve as background dancers. Of course, the first jobs were exciting because she was doing what she liked, but little by little she began to realize something very dark.

At the record company, they forced her to dance and dress in a certain way that she did not like. In fact, she had to dance in ways that she did not like, but she had to do it to make the music videos more marketable and interesting for the public. She did not like this at all. The truth is that she could not be herself. She had to make everything to suit others so that it would be more marketable. She was able to tolerate this situation for a while but it became increasingly difficult to bear.


But one day she discovered something she hadn't imagined, perhaps because of her clumsiness in not properly reviewing the contract she signed when she started working with the record company. The contract clearly stated that the dancer was the one who had the final say on the dance he wanted to do, so he couldn't be forced to do something she didn't want. That was where she recognized that they had been abusing her and violating the contract they had signed. At that moment she didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to cause problems but she already knew that she had the law on her side to demand a little more respect for her original work and her opinion.

And well the day came when her boss called her to tell her that she had to make a video dancing with a musical group. She had to dress in a way that she didn't like and do a dance that didn't match what she did. So at that moment she took the opportunity to remind her boss that she didn't want to do it because that type of content was not what she did. The boss was furious and told her that she was there for whatever was needed in the industry and not to pursue her personal tastes. The contract told her that she didn't care and that she had to do it anyway or she would be fired. But not only that, he also threatened to make a negative recommendation to the other directors in the industry so that they wouldn't hire her. But she wasn't a woman who was easily defeated and she wasn't going to tolerate being treated that way any longer. So she grabbed a microphone that was in the studio and began to say over the speakers what was happening.


She publicly denounced that she was being abused by being forced to make videos for the industry that she did not want to do. She also called everyone's attention by saying that it is better not to work and live off handouts than to be forced by others to be professionally a person you do not want to be. What good is talent when you cannot use it to be original and more importantly yourself. After saying that she asked for her resignation and left and of course her boss fired her for the scandal.

But all this fuss that was created caught the attention of the press. So the director began to receive public criticism for breach of contract. Then more workers joined in the denunciation of the bad actions that were being carried out. The result was that the director was fired by the board of directors. And in his place imagine who they hired, well yes, Vicky. With her talent she earned the position. Now she would be in charge of each artist who worked for the record company but being original and without being forced to do anything. Without a doubt her bravery brought her benefits. Never let others control you. She continued her hip hop career, but now in a different, more original way and with more control.


Credits: The images used are free to use and royalty free. They were taken from pixabay.