Solving the problem, Jedd

in #risingstar14 hours ago


Jedd is a good singer, as good as his heart. He is an excellent friend, father and husband. In his closest circle he is a very dear person because he always likes to do good and help. On many occasions he has donated what he has earned in his performances and concerts to charitable causes. He always says that he came into the world to do good and help others. It is not surprising that many people appreciate him very much and invite him to many events. And one of those events is a story that he experienced very recently. He remembers this occasion with much grace because so many things happened that day. They seem taken from an American movie.


It all happened when his best friend, Maiquel, asked him to sing at his wedding. As I told you, he accepted without hesitation, this because he never or almost never refuses to help. In fact, he only did it for that, to help because he doesn't like working at weddings or meetings. His thing has always been concerts. In addition, Maiquel had been his partner in adventures since high school. And they had gotten along very well since they met for the first time. How could he refuse to help him at his wedding? So for these reasons he decided to accept working as an entertainer at his wedding singing. Maiquel told him that The plan was simple, he had to sing at the ceremony. Said ceremony would be outdoors, overlooking the lake, and his performance would be right after the vows.

Jedd took this task very seriously as always. He says that if you're going to do things you better do them well or else do nothing. That's why he rehearsed a lot the week before the wedding. Maiquel hired a band to accompany him in the songs. They all rehearsed and saw that they were ready to sing and play at the event. From a certain point of view everything seemed to be under control. Until the day of the wedding arrived. That day, due to life's circumstances, things began to go wrong. To begin with, it was raining. Not a drizzle, it was one of those storms that make umbrellas fly away. When he arrived at the event, he found a disastrous scene, the tables covered with plastic, the guests sheltered under a tent, and Maiquel running from one side to the other with a broken umbrella that did not protect anything.


Maiquel screamed when she saw him coming and called him. She said, Tell me that at least you have good news. And then he replied back that yes, at least he was dry, or well almost. His jacket was soaked. What they didn't know was that the misfortunes were just beginning. Because the band hired to accompany him had mixed up the dates and was playing at another event, 100 kilometers away. So they no longer had anyone to accompany Jedd to sing. And that's not all, to top it off, the sound system was giving more problems than anticipated. Maybe because the cables got wet they no longer worked properly. So they couldn't use the microphones.

But Jedd is a pretty smart person, and he hadn't come to this wedding to see it ruined. So instead of panicking, like any person would, the best decided to take it easy. If he had learned anything from his years of singing in bars full of drunks, it was that the show must always go on, even if the audience preferred to shout "another round" instead of applauding. He told himself, Ok, there's no band, there's no microphone, but we still have a voice. Maiquel said, Are you going to sing a cappella? And he just replied, I'm going to sing as best I can, man.

He started to improvise. He convinced a couple of guests who knew how to play guitar to use the chairs as percussion, by hitting them with a spoon or something. Then one of Maiquel's cousins showed up with a harmonica he had. Then the kids joined in, making noise with cutlery and plastic cups. You might have thought that it would end in disaster, but it was quite the opposite. Together they created a natural music. They had no equipment or microphones, but at least it was music. And Jedd sang a cappella to accompany them. So all the misfortunes of the day began to be forgotten and people began to have fun.


Between songs, he would make a few jokes that kept everyone entertained. During one of those jokes, it just so happened that the microphone worked for a couple of minutes, and he used it just to say, Thank you for coming to Jedd and his Emergency Band's first concert. That caused a collective laugh that made everyone forget about the rain and the mud. It was really funny. The best part of the day came when he sang Maiquel and his wife's favorite song. It's true that everything had been chaotic, but that song started it all. The couple got married in the rain listening to their favorite song. It was very romantic. Despite everything, they had a great day.

When the wedding was over, Maiquel approached Jedd laughing and said, Brother, it wasn't what I had in mind, but it was better than I expected. Then Jedd told him one more joke, Of course it was. How many weddings do you know with an exclusive show and a puddle as a dance floor? The two of them laughed for a long time. Everything went well despite the problems. Before saying goodbye, Maiquel thanked him because without him the wedding would not have worked. Now it would remain forever in the family's memory. It would be a story to tell at every dinner. And it was all thanks to Jedd who saved the day.


Credits: The images used are free to use and royalty free. They were taken from pixabay.