You see, Megan has been devoting her time for months to preparing and recording her first album in a studio. She doesn't have big resources, so she can't pay renowned mixers and producers. So obviously the final quality of the album won't be premium in every sense like a bigger budget album. Even so, she had a lot of talent in her voice, so she was confident that this would make the album a success. She had the talent, that's true, but there is a problem in this story, and it is the lack of money to invest in advertising. So not many people will find out about the album through this means. The main means she has is word of mouth. She is confident that the quality of the album will be enough to take her far in success.
Well, a few days ago her album was released. For the launch, she organized a meeting in a small place. Here she invites her friends, her relatives, and her husband and children. She wants to dedicate her first album to all of them because they are the ones who have always supported her in good times and bad. In this same place, physical copies will be sold and she will give autographs to the people she thinks will come to buy the album. At about 10 in the morning the launch took place. Her friends and relatives did come, but the number of people was another story. Despite the prediction she had of people who would come, the opposite happened. Very few people came to buy the physical copy of the album. About 30 people came, relatively few, really.
Then, back at home, she and her secretary checked the sales numbers to see how they did. Physical copies sold 206 copies. Which for a singer is a complete failure. But she still had hope that at least the digital copies would make up for the few physical sales. She was shocked when she saw that they had only sold about 1,543 digital albums. It was a complete failure. She burst into tears almost immediately upon seeing these numbers. So much time and effort wasted for nothing. But that wasn't the worst part. Right now she had no money to pay for advertising. And no company would give her a loan after seeing that the album was already a failure. Those who did buy the album were very pleased because the album was of high quality. It was only the lack of advertising that kept it from becoming a success.
She had not expected this failure at all, she had great confidence in her talent. Now she had a reality in front of her. The only solution was to dedicate herself to something else while she found some way to make her album more known. She started working as a waitress in a restaurant. It was the only thing she could do while, in addition to being a waitress, she also sang in the restaurant. It was two in one. Of course, with this job she earned money to support herself but it was not enough to make her feel satisfied in her career, since becoming a waitress was not her goal. The truth is that she came to believe that her career as a professional singer was over.
Days later, she receives an unexpected call. It was a well-known producer who says he has heard her album. The conversation is brief and without many twists. In itself, what the producer points out is that the album has something that others have not noticed, but that it lacked publicity. Well, she already knew that, but she wanted to know what that strange call was for. Well, this man wanted to make her a proposal. He helped her through his company to promote her album and after the profits he kept 20%. The truth is that she had nothing to lose so she gladly accepted. Still, it struck her that this man was willing to invest in her album without even being sure if it would be a success. She didn't know it but this producer man had a very good eye for talent.
He had noticed her and knew that her record was of very good quality, so much so that success was assured if she was given a push. That is why he wanted to take charge of the publicity. Well, the next day the producer's lawyers visited her at her house so that she would sign the contract. This contract was for her to confirm that she would give up 20% of the profits before investing in the record. She signed it without thinking twice, because she knew that her career depended on this contract. With the approval of the lawyers, the producer spent several million dollars on publicity. Megan's record was released everywhere. And what happened or what was the result? Well, thousands of records began to be sold. The reproductions went up by thousands in seconds.
Megan went from being broke to a millionaire in a couple of days. It was proven that the talent was real. People did not buy the record just because of the publicity, it was actually good. Of course, the producer who always knew her potential also began to take his millions. It was a dream come true. The best thing was that this was just the beginning because she and he made a contract to work on future albums together. A promising future was in sight. She did learn that sometimes music is not enough, something more is needed, positive publicity. But well, that's history now, now to enjoy the effort.
Credits: The images used are free to use and royalty free. They were taken from pixabay.