Playing RisingStar After Fixing FireFox Keychain Issues

in #risingstar2 years ago

The latest FireFox seems to break Hive KeyChain, or at least it did for me. It was a very strange error too. Because my account could be detected but for some reason, whenever I tried to do a transaction, it said KeyChain not found.

And then I could access KeyChain with no problem. Removing and adding the account again didn't do the trick. Restarting the browser and computer didn't work either. Tried re-installing and finally on the second time I reinstalled Keychain, it started to work again.

I am just glad it got resolved and that I get to access Hive again without having to deal with the keys. Took about 5 days to get this resolved.

I am now at level 122 and hope to hit level 125 before doing music lessons. The ego has finally gone above 0 so it is a matter of time before they start impacting the earnings from the missions.

If you're facing any KeyChain issues, it might be best to remove it and install from the extension store so that you can get back to playing again!