Hello everybody
as Christmas is very close and we are on "Christmas Party" in the game I want to giveaway two cards S6 Wizzy. The rules are quite simple, just leave a comment telling me what is your favourite character in the game, the winner will be determined at random the next Monday, Dec 14 12:00 GMT +1.
this is the card, I will giveaway two, so we will have two winners.
The winner will be "mentioned" in the post on the date indicated. The card will only be sent to the winning user who has written the comment. Bots don't participate.
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Hola todos
Como la Navidad está muy cerca y tenemos "Christmas Party" en el juego, quiero regalar dos cartas S6 Wizzy. Las reglas son muy simples, solo déja un comentario diciéndome cuál es tu personaje favorito en el juego, el ganador será seleccionado al azar el próximo lunes 14 de diciembre a las 12:00 GMT +1.
El ganador será "mencionado" en el post en la fecha indicada. La carta sólo será enviada al usuario ganador que haya escrito el comentario. Los bots no participan.
esta es la carta, regalaré dos, así que tendremos dos ganadores.
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Trenton Lundy, because I'm lucky enough to have one
Love it too, you're a fortunate boy!!! 🍀
Hi @pandasquad you're the 2nd winner in this giveaway, please reply to this message and I will send you an "S6 Wizzy" card that allows you to play "Christmas Party" on Rising Star Game. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Awesome, thanks :D
OH Great, I thought you will never claim your card, now it is sent, please confirm that it is in your collection, ID: 116825
Yeah I have it! Thank you
Thanks for the giveaway. That's very generous of you.
Wizzy himself comes a very close second because he reminds me of many, many fun Christmas parties and clubbing on Christmas Eve. Not to mention the great artwork and how it conjures up the Christmas spirit.
But my overall favourtie is Classic Punk. It's the only indivdual card I've bought that was not part of a strategy. I love the artwork on this one too and more I love that it reminds me of my mispent youth. Happy days!! Also helps that my partner is a Scot so I'm quite partial to a bit of tartan. 😂
My pleasure, kind Lady. Yeah!!! classic punk was the first Rare card, we all love it the tartan!!! 😄
Buenos días!!
Me gustan todas las cartas y querría tenerlas todas.
Mis personajes favoritos son varios, pero destacaría a Lolita y Antonio. Aunque todavía no tengo ninguna de esas dos cartas.
De las que tengo, me quedo con E9 Debbie.
Que tengas un buen día.
Debbie es de las mejores sin duda, en media hora salimos de dudas, mucha suerte!!!
Lolita es mi personaje favorito
Claro que si!!! crei que no lo iba a decir nadie y es una de las cartas mas bonitas que hay en el juego!!! 😍
Not going too deep into cards characteristics.. just still love how "Undead Fred" looks like ;)
what a good choice!!!
Mine is definitely John. Why? Because it's John! :)
I can't refute that answer, the logic is overwhelming, great choice!
A really special card.
My favorite character is Mozart.
Oh Yes, we cannot deny that it is a "classic" 😜
My favorite character is R17-Winston!
Such a cool card!! yes I love it too
Of course the John Legendary card is my love!
I have pulled it in the August just from the start of gaming. And you know what - I could like this game those time even if this card could be an Epic, with less stats or so. Because I love John Lennon!
Yes, John is so cool, I haven't this awesome card, you're very fortunate 🍀
John is definitely my favorite character of the bunch😋
It es easy to love John 😃
Nice christmas giveaway.
I dont have that card and I will love to have it ;)
We will know if it is in your collection next Monday!!!
My fav character card is Pete Wrong. Even though he is only Epic, I think the design of the card is beyond Epic.
I agree, it is a very cool card design, I love the colours it has!
Winston of course! Who doesn't like a good Reggae beat! 🥁
Winston is always in my band!!! 😍
Ok let's see how is this working. :)
Yes, this is working very good, but we want to know your favourite card in the game 😜
At the moment is the Pizza Box. Great help.
😂 Pizza Box is not a character but it's ok. Tomorrow we'll know the results!! Good luck my friend!!!
Oh, characters, i have only the first one, i just started. Sorry.
lol, it is ok bro, it was fun anyway 👍
Merry Xmas back at ya.
My favorite character is R2 Metal Drummer because he looks like he knows how to Rock
Yes, cause that he needs a card with evil colours!!! 🤘
Great idea!
My favorite is probably "modern female punk".
Whose your favorite?
Yes, it is a very cool card, I have many favourites, as rare Winston and as epic Headbanging Singer I think
My fav is Metal Drummer!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hey, we have 2 points for R2!! It should have more than 150 Fans then! 😅
My favorite Card is the "R1 - Classic Punk". I think it was one of my first Rare-Cards. Now they are no longer printed and I am proud to 2 of these cards.
Yes I agree, it is a very cool card and the first rare in the game, keep these two cards in your collection, who know in the future.....
My favorite is Toadie, because he brings a nice skill bonus without a huge fan following!
Right, it is the best card to keep "ego" under control, and I can certificate this guy really exists 😂
I love it that there are so many different answers!
Yes, love it too, and what is your favourite? 😛
My favorite character is Beethoven.
It is quite hard not to love Mr Ludwig!
My favourite character is R21 Derek :D
Yes Derek card has a pretty cool design and colours, I like it very much too
Hi @kargul09 you're the 1st winner in this giveaway, please reply to this message and I will send you an "S6 Wizzy" card that allows you to play "Christmas Party" on Rising Star Game. CONGRATILATIONS!!!!
Thanks bro :D
You're welcome mate, the card is sent! please check your collection!!!!
Card already in my collection ;p
Cool!!! now you can play the "Christmas Party" and win the 2 instruments
My favorite card is S6 Wizzy because it reminds me of Chirstmas. It is also my favorite holiday since it meant the most holidays days during during a normal school year.
Yes, it is a warm and homelike card and, could be nice to take it to your collection!
R2 Metal Drummer is my favorite
Yeah!!! Hope you have at least one of this precious "discontinued" card!!!😛
My favorite card is Pete Wrong
And who doesn't want to be like him...🎚🎛🎚 😀
My fovourite character is R23 Daisy
It's a good card with a good Fans - Luck balance but what I like most is the design of the card because a guitar, a beautiful woman and nature are a perfect trio :)
Thanks a lot for this giveaway
It is a beautiful card and your technical analysis is very acurate
I would say mine would be s6 wizzy as it gets you into the Christmas game. It also reminds me it is Christmas time the best time of the year.
Yes, Wizzy is very cool as the 2 Christmas instruments you can win doing the special mission, but what I really love is the track/song you can build in the game with the 3 cards, Christmas Lights by @winkandwoo and @theturtleproject
I've been here from very early on and back then the main card to want was Raven, so in my mind she's still top :)
Raven is an awesome card and awesome artist, good choice!
I am kind of digging my Mozart card I just got from the Marketplace. I also love the Female rapper so it's a toss up right now. Decisions, decisions ... lol
Thanks for the contest & an early Merry Christmas :) 🧡

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Thanks Pixie, yes both are great maybe technically, female rapper is better but the design I like more Mozart 😜
My favorite card is Mozart.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
very nice choice, lovin' the classics here too
yo diria que pete wrong por que fue mi primera epica
Es una carta muy buena, además del diseño, me encantan los colores que tiene!! quien no querria ser Pete Wrong?? 😜
favorite character is surely Winston!
Wish he had some more skills though to fight the ego hahaha.
Love a Christmas giveaway dude! Good going!
yw mate, very nice choice, I love this too!
Favorite card R17 Winston, love Reggae...
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 65/78) Liquid rewards.
Loving dub reggae here too, yes I agree maybe is my fav rare too
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Good luck to everybody, now is time to spin the wheel!!!! Thank you very much for participate and Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!
And the winners are @kargul09 and @pandasquad CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
I will leave a message in your comment, once you reply to me I will send you the card!!!!!!!
Mine is definitely Bach. Why? Because it's Bach! :)
Yeah!!! very nice choice!
Hola , muchas gracias por los regalos de navidad mi carta favorita es Pete Wrong me gusta mucho la combinacion y la musica electronica
Oh! didn't expect it, I love Trenton too, the first legendary card in the game, can you explain your answer? 😂😂😂