Bobby's story, The stumble in the race.

in #risingstar19 days ago

Greetings and good morning to all my dear friends of this wonderful community and hive in general. I hope you are having an excellent Saturday full of blessings. Today I want to bring you a new story. The truth is that I really enjoy making them, I think that each Rising Star card is a world in itself and there are many options to create an interesting story.

In today's case I have chosen for the story a la carte E130 Bobby, in the story he will be a racing driver, you will see the problems he has to go through to find a solution to his current situation. If you want to know, well, you know, I invite you to read it. And as always, if you want, you can leave me your opinions in the comments, I will be eager to read it. I think that having said that we can start, so let's start.


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Friends, you know Bobby has a very curious personality, do you know why? Well, because of his sayings that are always true. The one he uses the most is when he usually says that in a certain way the world of racing is a very complicated marriage. He says this because in reality one day you are at the top, with the lights, the noise and the flags, and the next in the blink of an eye you could easily lose it. Well, racing drivers are always asked a lot to be the best and if you are not one of the best you are left aside very quickly. Most teams and sponsors only want the best in their group, so someone with few skills has no place. That is why he has this opinion and makes up sayings out of thin air.

He is a professional racing driver, so he is not just anyone. He is someone who has worked hard to get to where he is today. For many years he was the favorite of his team and one of the best in his country. He traveled to many countries in major league races and as you can imagine he had many followers. To add to that he had a beautiful wife and several children. Up to this point it may seem like he had everything figured out, right? But he does not say his words for nothing. Because in the blink of an eye he lost almost everything. You see, one day there was a qualifying race, it was not even a very important race, it was just to see who would go on to the next phase and choose the best.

The thing is that in that race while he was driving at high speed one of the rear tires of the car burst and because of this he lost control. The car hit at high speed with one of the protective walls of the track. For a moment it was as if the world was slower. Because it was hard for him to assimilate a little what had happened. When he came to, he checked to see if he was okay. The truth is that he didn't have much more than a few scratches and he could move all the parts of his body. But something was missing, he couldn't see. He thought he had something covering his face so he tried to take it off but in reality he had nothing, what was happening was worse.

While that was happening, the paramedics arrived quickly and took him to the nearest hospital. The tests showed that due to the blow he received on the head, he had lost his sight. But it was not all bad news. The doctor told him and his family that the problem would be resolved in a few months when the swelling went down, so he would not lose his sight permanently. That made them very happy, so right there Bobby launched another of his sayings, “I got away with it,” everyone laughed and relaxed a little after that tense situation.

But when they got home, things were not the same. He developed a phobia of cars, because he felt that an accident like that could happen to him again, and maybe now it was serious, so in a way he began to decide that he did not want to return to that world. A few months later he regained his sight completely, but his decision not to return to racing was made. His team manager tried to convince him to come back, since he was his best driver, and he also showed him the recordings of the accident so he could see that he was not to blame for what had happened. In reality, the fault lay with a mechanic who did not change that tire. But he still did not change his mind, because he was afraid. So he threw everything away and asked to be discharged.

Although you know he did not leave completely, because between his wife and his team manager they convinced him to at least become a coach in controlled environments. That way he could at least teach other members of his team who were less skilled than him. And that was how in the blink of an eye he went from being a famous racer to a coach with much less recognition.

Now back in the present he has spent many years working as a trainer, many new members of the team have improved a lot thanks to him, so he started to gain a little more recognition again. In the team he was now a very respected member despite his accident and his decision to stop racing. It had been exactly 5 and a half years since everything happened. In all those years he had trained all the members of the team and several became as good as him. Every time they won a race they did not give the credit to themselves, they always gave it to Bobby. And that in a way always gave him courage to tell himself that he made the right decision. Although the truth is I would say no.

Does it seem to you that everything here is going down the road to doom? Well don't get ahead of me, because it's not quite like that. We already know that his fear was what brought him to where he is today. But perhaps in addition to fear he also lost courage, because if he had had the courage to continue he would not have left his star career behind. But it seems that for him, these more than 5 years of rest from the tracks have made him reconsider his decision many times. In fact, he has thought a little, a little bit actually about telling his wife what she thought about whether he should return to racing, but he didn't feel ready to tell her yet. But guess what, that was about to change very soon, much sooner than you think. It happened so fast that it was in the blink of an eye like the last time.

It turns out that these days while he was training the new guys on the team, one of them, a young driver, approached him to talk to him privately. His name was Jose. Bobby asked him what he wanted and he shot back with a very direct answer, Bobby, you have to go back to racing. He was so direct that it left him speechless, it was even funny for both of them. They would have liked to have seen Bobby look at him with a raised eyebrow, and they started laughing. And then he said, Come back? Don't be ridiculous. I've barely touched a wheel in years, I've only touched the one on the simulator. To that answer, Bobby told him that he was a fan of his, since he was younger he had seen him race and that for him he was his role model. So there would be nothing that would make him and the team happy if he came back to racing one day.

When they finished laughing a bit, Bobby told him that he appreciated his words very much and immediately confessed that he had been wanting to return for several months but was still afraid that the same thing would happen. Jose only told him, it is true that there is that possibility, but it is not right to throw away a life and a career like yours because of an accident, I believe in you and I want to see you back. It is true that those words were a bit direct but they served to make him take the initiative to return. When he arrived home that day he immediately told his wife that he was thinking of returning to racing again.

His wife, instead of getting angry with him, was happy because she knew how sad he had been all these last years, and now he would return to doing what he liked so much. At home that day the family celebrated it in style. The next day he spoke with his team leader and the other members and told them that now in addition to being a coach he was going to be a racer for the team again. Everyone was very happy and immediately opened some beers to celebrate. The team immediately made the announcement on social media. People went crazy because the best runner Bobby would be back. In the end he just told his friends and family who were gathered at the club, guys, never let fear stop you, life is one and the best way to enjoy it is doing what you love. Now for the third time in the blink of an eye his career begins.

Dear friends, with this we close today's story. As always, I invite you to leave me your opinions in the comments about what you appreciated or if perhaps you learned something from the story. Also, if you want, you can recommend a letter to me to dedicate my next story to. Thank you very much for reading, have a great day.

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