Hector's story, the deadlock.

in #risingstar13 days ago

How are my friends today? I hope you're all doing well and having a great Thursday as always. We're here to have fun. That's why today I'm bringing you a new story I wrote a few days ago and which I'm bringing you finished today. In this case, I've dedicated it to letter E195 Hector. That said, there's nothing better than starting the day with a little reading. I'll leave you with the story. I hope you like it.


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Friends, there is nothing more beautiful in this life than being good at what you do or what you dedicate yourself to. That fulfills you in many ways because you feel that you are doing things very well. Hector is one of those people who seems to get everything done well no matter the magnitude of the task assigned to him, and he recently demonstrated this in style. You see, he is a songwriter who is highly respected by the entire community of musicians. He has a good track record of compositions that have been used in many movies and programs. He has also written songs for high-class singers. Because of all this, he gained a good reputation, and when a singer or company needed an original song, well, yes, they saw Hector first.

Many said that what he did not achieve, no one can achieve, so they trusted him with their most important jobs. Part of this fame that he had is that he did not say no to anything, even if it was very difficult. If you needed a special song for your wedding, well, there was no problem, he would write it for you; if you wanted a song to say goodbye to someone, well, he would write it for you too. Hector is not new to this world of music composition, in his youth he went through the best music schools, so he is a person with the best studies in this field, it is not surprising that he knows how to do everything too, of course this also depends on the talent that one has.

Since he started composing, he has done some works that could be said to have been his most difficult tests. He composed music for an event for the president of his country, he also made a special song that would be played in front of the king of a nation. These were by far his most difficult tests, but that has been a long time since then, more than 30 years have passed. Since then he has only worked with smaller companies that are not as important compared to those previous compositions. You know that recently he is starting to feel that he has reached a dead end in his career. It is not that he does not like his job, on the contrary he feels very happy doing what he does.

The dead end is rather related to the fact that it has been a long time since he has had a special job, something that would make him pass again. In his opinion, challenges are what add spice to our lives, and without spice it is not the same. It is for this reason that in recent years he has placed special ads on his website to attract the attention of people who want something unique. First, he lowered the price of hiring him, so more people could access his services, and second, the ads said that if you wanted an out-of-the-ordinary composition, he was the right person, he was willing to do anything. This of course caught the attention of many people who wanted good, personalized songs, but the first few days were more of the same. Songs without any salsa, nothing special that would challenge him.

But the ads did have an effect later, because someone very special had seen them and had a novel idea that no one had tried. Do you want to know what it was? Well, keep reading. That someone was none other than Mateo, the richest man in the entire city, he had so much money that he practically had nowhere to keep it. So he is often one of those people who want to do eccentric things. Unlike other people who went personally to Hector's offices to hire him, Mateo did not bother to go. He sent an email to Hector to tell him to come to his house to give him a very special job.

You can already imagine what Hector did when he read the email. He was partly happy and partly nervous. Happy because he knew that if someone of Mateo's caliber wanted his services, it was because it was something special. And on the nervous side he was because it had been a long time since the last challenge he had, so they were a little rusty, nothing that couldn't be solved. So that same day they agreed to meet the following Tuesday. Mateo sent him another email telling him to go with an open mind because this job was going to be very special. This made Hector happy and his nerves went away completely, it was something he was looking for.

At about 2 in the afternoon he arrived at Mateo's house. He was already waiting for him. They sat down and he served him a cup of coffee. He said to him with these words: "Look Hector, what I want is for you to compose a song for a very particular orchestra." You can already imagine the question Hector asked him, what kind of orchestra? Mateo told him, It's a private orchestra in which, in addition to musicians, there are also animals. Hector burst out laughing, because he couldn't believe that there was an orchestra in which some of its musicians were animals or pets. Mateo told him, "You don't believe me, come and see it." And then he stopped laughing.

And indeed, in the back of the house he had a very peculiar kind of zoo. Each animal had a specialized trainer. They had been trained for years for this moment. They all knew how to follow the rhythm of a song with their respective sounds. There was even an elephant that was the largest animal, that one had to simulate the sound of the trumpet.

Mateo told him, I just need you to compose a very special song where you bring out all the potential of my animal orchestra. Hector told him back that he accepted the challenge and that he would not let him down. They both shook hands and agreed that within a period of 6 months all the songs for the orchestra would be ready. When he returned home he called his entire team and the team in charge of training the animals. In that meeting they discussed the tone limitations of each animal and what they could or could not do. With that, he and his team could work. And here begins the race against time, they had less than 6 months to prepare an animal concert. The idea seemed real but it was more true since you are reading this now.

In the first month he prepared the lyrics of the songs, and in the second the tones and rhythms. And the remaining months were used to further polish the music and test the result with the animals. If something didn't sound right or one of the animals couldn't play it, they would have to adjust the music, losing more time. And in this sea of training and compositions, almost 6 months went by. There was only one week left for Mateo's big private concert. So everyone was like crazy preparing the last details. Hector had to admit that this had been the most difficult job to date, he had never done anything like it. So you could say that it was his ultimate test to prove it, if everything went well it would be the best part to add to his catalog of works and that would increase his reputation.

When they came to see the day had already arrived. It was the day of the presentation. Mateo had called the best of the best. Important politicians, movie stars, other rich people, everyone had come to see the private concert. Behind the scenes were Hector and the entire team of trainers putting the finishing touches on the last details. When they saw that everyone was ready, they gave the signal to begin. When the curtain rose, all the animals were correctly in their places, they had been very well trained. The musicians who accompanied them began to play, and the dogs began to bark at just the right moment, as did the elephant. The parrot was the singer and the cat was the one who imitated the violin. And those were just a few, there were many more.

They were all playing together with a harmony that left everyone stunned. Hector had really taken great care in designing songs that they could play, it was an incredible experience. When the animals finished playing, the stage overflowed with applause, they were very pleased. After the performance, Mateo called Hector and told him that he was very grateful for his good work, and that this was just the beginning, that more interesting things would come soon. Hector told him that he was here for whatever he needed.

The news of this concert spread like hotcakes, everywhere already knew what he had done. So his website was practically collapsing with requests and orders from rich people from all over the world who wanted similar things. He was impressed, because he went from feeling stuck to now having a sea of challenges, the ones he liked. So he packed his bags and went to look for those challenges. Nothing would stop him.

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Dear friends, with this we close today's story. Tell me in the comments what you thought, did you like it? I will be reading them. As always, I remind you that if you wish, you can also leave me a suggestion for the next story in the comments, for example, the letter of which you would like to see one. I will be happy to make one for you. Having said that, I will see you next time, thank you very much for reading.

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