Nolan's story, The Priorities.

in #risingstaryesterday

Good morning to all my friends, I'm glad to see you here at Buskeria again. Following the momentum of the last few days, today I bring you a new story. Today's story is for card R389 Nolan. I decided it would be best to make it more realistic, and to do so, I based it partly on the card's art. I invite you to leave your comments at the end; I hope you like it. Let's begin!


Image created by me in canva

Post translated with Google Translate

Friends, as you can see, Wez is a very well-known country singer in the industry. He started in this world from a very young age. He was born in the countryside on his parents' farm. So he got to know the farming world firsthand from a young age. But you know, later he surprised his family because he didn't end up dedicating himself to the work of a farmer but rather to a singer, thus becoming who he is today. His life on the farm did mark his life, because when he became independent from his parents, the music genre he chose was country. That's why he often sings about his experiences on the farm in his songs. You know, after all, his parents weren't upset with him because he didn't follow in their footsteps, as long as he carried the family roots in his blood, that was enough for them. And since he was a country singer and mentioned the farm in his songs, that made them proud. We can say that he was a farmer of words.

Those were his beginnings, but a lot of time has passed since then. Wez is now a strong, mature man who has a new life in the big city. Gone are the days of the farm. He has had a long and successful career in the industry and has won numerous awards. But there is something he has not been able to get in all this time, and it is something very important in his life, a wife. Since he has such a hectic life and is always in concert and on tour, he has not been able to dedicate time to raising a family. And he is a very correct man because of the values his parents taught him, so he says that the day he gets married it will be for life. So he has limited himself in having girlfriends because he is serious, and he is not just going to be with someone for a while.

Of course, throughout his career, many girls have approached him to be his girlfriends, but he has rejected them all because the day he chooses one, it will be for life, and he clearly sees that many of those girls approach him for his money, and someone who is with you for your money is not a good partner for life. That is his opinion on the subject. Many people would tell him to take advantage of those opportunities, but he is a very correct person and would never be capable of playing with someone's feelings. It is not for nothing that he was so loved in the industry. It was common for the lyrics of his songs to always be as correct as he is. And he was not religious or anything, just a person with good moral values, which are not very abundant today.

There came a time when he stopped looking for a wife, he simply let time bring her, as the saying goes, time to time. Surely at some point the right one would come, or well, at least he trusted in that. What do you think? Well, look what happened. It turns out that on one of his tours in a small town he had a chest pain, it was a sharp pain, nothing serious, but his manager recommended that he visit the local hospital to get a small check-up and continue the tour without suspicion and without worries.

When they arrived at the hospital they did the check-up and indeed it was just a temporary pain due to stress but it was nothing serious. But here something happened that would change his life and that of another person. The doctor who understood him, whose name was Sarah, did it in a very kind and dedicated way. It was clear that she was passionate about her work. So in a way that no one would know how to explain, Wez liked her. It was strange because they barely knew each other, but he already knew that she would be the woman he had been looking for for years. Something in her way of speaking told him that she was the one. But now came the problem, how do you tell someone you just met that you like her? Well he asked himself that same question and at that moment he didn't know how to answer, so he left the hospital without saying anything. At least he thanked her for her attention in the kindest way possible so that she would somehow notice him.

The next day his manager told him that now that he was fine it was time to continue the tour through other towns. But for the first time in his life he told him that the tour was cancelled indefinitely until further notice. He obviously asked him why and he told him that it was because of love, because he had met the girl he was looking for. His manager didn't know what to answer, he just got a little upset but he understood what it meant to him because Wez had never cancelled a tour for a girl.

The next day she gathered her courage and went to his house, because since it was a small town everyone knew where they lived. He knocked on the door and she took a few minutes to open it but finally she did. When she saw him she told him that she was glad to see him too and asked him how his health was. He told her that he was fine. Then came the moment that every man or woman fears, the question. Wez was direct in the hope of getting an equally direct answer. He told her that he liked her and that she wanted to start a relationship with him or at least get to know him. She didn't know what to say because he caught her by surprise. Still, she knew Wez, she knew what he was like, she had read the many stories that had been done about him and that he had been looking for the perfect wife for years. So she knew that he was serious and that she was important to him.

She hadn't told him before but she also felt love at first sight when she saw him in person. It turns out that she had never been married either. So she thought that maybe fate or something had brought them together for some reason. So she said yes, with much sadness. As you can imagine this was news immediately, Wez had finally found his ideal partner just like Sarah, this made it even more special. And they lived happily ever after, No, we don't know yet but I hope so.

Dear friends, this is the end of today's story. I hope you liked it. If so, as always, I invite you to leave me your opinions in the comments. I'll see you in a few days with a new story. Thank you very much for reading. Best regards to everyone. Have a great day.

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