How are you today my dear friends? I hope you are having a great time. Because today is Thursday, so I bring you another new story. In this case I have dedicated it to the E209 Verity card. As in other occasions I have based it on the art of the card and the image that appears on it, so the story will be closely related to what you can see on the card or in the image below. With that said, let's begin, I hope you like it.
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So friends, I tell you that Verity is a sound or mixing engineer. Her day to day life was interesting for her because she loved what she did, which sometimes could be a bit routine. She had to spend all day sitting between 4 walls surrounded by many cables and of course with her mixing consoles at her side. She worked eliminating the imperfections of the music recordings that were made in her studio. So to speak, she was in charge of getting the best out of each recording that was made so that it would be as good as possible and then launching the song to the market. That studio where she worked was hers. That is to say, she did not work for any company or record label.
You see, when she was younger, she became interested in this profession. So she studied and graduated in that profession. At first, she worked with some local studios in the city to work as a sound engineer. In them, she quickly demonstrated the talent she had, which was very good. Then, little by little, she climbed the ladder and gained more and more fame. She got to work with many different singers polishing their songs and she also worked for many renowned studios. But those studios often limited her in making decisions and she couldn't use all her creativity to make those songs sound with her improved vision. That's why when she earned enough money she decided that she would open her own studio and that's exactly what she did. With this we come to the present where we begin the story.
Now she has her own studio, which we could say is her business. She specializes in improving the songs of singers and bands. She preferred as clients those bands that were not very successful or that did not have the necessary vision for their music. She especially liked these clients because they gave her more freedom to edit the song and thus improve it. On the other hand, the studio's more famous clients had already mastered their technique and they seemed to know what would be best for them, so they didn't give her as much freedom when it came to editing. And the truth is that Verity preferred the former even if they didn't have as much money to pay because, so to speak, she had the opportunity to take music that could seem bad into very nice music.
It's not surprising that singers and bands from other parts of the country came to record in her studio, knowing the passion she put into her work. Also, the singers who had already worked with her recommended her studio to other people. So we can say that this business is going very well, our Verity is making money.
She is currently expanding her studio to work with several singers at the same time, as she gains more notoriety every day and the list of clients only grows, so the studio was already a bit small. What she did to work was keep the small studio running while the other rooms were under construction. Luckily her studio was soundproofed so the noise from outside didn't bother her inside. As I told you at the beginning, she was a bit tired of the routine because sometimes it can be exhausting. But it is more exhausting when she works with many famous singers.
You see, in the last few months no singer who is starting out in music has come to work with her. Remember that she likes to work with them because they give her more creative freedom. So far only famous people have come and the work is very demanding and exhausting. She can work under pressure because she is a professional, so she has no problem with that, what is true is that she would like to work again with some new face in the industry. This situation is a bit funny because she doesn't know it yet but in a few days that routine is going to change a lot because a very particular band that is starting in music is going to come to the studio, they called themselves AMC.
Verity met them in a somewhat unexpected way. While she was organizing the work for the next few weeks, she received a call from one of her colleagues, it was Lucas, her maintenance technician. During the call, Lucas told her that he knew a band that needed urgent help with their music. He told her that they were good, but that they were lost. They didn't know how to properly organize all the members of the band and the sounds they recorded. Can you imagine what Verity answered? Well, first she told him the name of the band to see for herself if they were good, and after checking it, she confidently told Lucas, "Bring them here." And that's how her adventure with this band AMC began.
She accepted with such confidence because, as we've already seen, she was tired of so much formal work, so with some emerging singers she could work very creatively with the band and she loved being part of the process. The day after the call, they arrived at the studio. The first impression was a bit mixed because they were a band that was just starting out and she was a professional who had worked with so many famous people, so they felt a bit embarrassed. But she quickly cracked a joke to lighten the mood, because she knew how they felt from her experience. So the mood relaxed and they got to work together.
She could detect a good problem that first day of working together. Well, it was a problem if the music was not organized properly. First there was a rock guitarist, a drummer who had a somewhat punk style. There was also the keyboard player who played more of an electronic style of music, and of course the lead singer. He seemed shy and did not want to look her in the eyes, so she knew he lacked confidence in himself. This band had talent but they clearly needed a guide like her so that all those different styles would fit together and the insecurities would go away. After talking for a while they showed her some recordings they already had for their next album.
She immediately realized the mess they had, and if that album saw the light like that it would almost certainly be a failure. So there was no way they should publish it. However, among all that mess she could see that there was good music, because they did complement each other. When she finished listening to them she only said, Well, guys we have a lot of work ahead of us and everyone laughed. They agreed to start working the next day. Verity called her secretary to postpone the other projects because now she would dedicate all the time she had available to that project that for her was somewhat fun.
The next day when the recordings began again she saw that each member seemed to have a different opinion on how her music should sound, and even arguments soon arose. She decided not to intervene immediately because in a certain way she wanted to understand how they thought. After listening to them for a while she gave them some firm advice, she said, “Listen friends, if you want to succeed in this world you have to come to an agreement, I know that each one of you comes from a different style and you would like it to be the one that was most present,” “but it doesn't work like that, the one who covers too much, squeezes little.” They finally realized their mistake and finally decided what style and genre they would give to the album.
With this resolved, she only needed to resolve the problem she had with the singer. He was, so to speak, the soul of the band, but he had very little self-confidence and this was evident in the band's music. She spoke to him and asked him to tell her what was going on. He told her that he was afraid that people wouldn't like his singing and that he was sure that the group would kick him out because the album was going to be a failure. She told him, "Look, don't worry. People are going to like your music, because that's what they're here for. I'm going to help them make that happen." "Besides, no one is going to kick you out if you give your best to the music. Remember that you are the most important link in this chain, so the group depends on you." When he heard these words, he was very happy, because he realized that he wasn't alone in this and she made him see how important he was.
With the group ready for action, Verity began recording, if you will. With a more correct style and with everyone working together in the same genre, things began to flow much better. But what surprised everyone was the voice of Javier, their singer, because he was seen with a lot of confidence in the recordings, one that until now no member of the band had seen before. After a few weeks perfecting the recordings of the album, Verity called the group to tell them that they were ready. They listened to them together, they practically did not recognize each other, because their voices sounded perfect and the instruments were synchronized, it was wonderful. They thanked Verity more than a thousand times because without her help they would not have been able to get such a good album.
A month later the album was released and as you can imagine it was a resounding success. The group was acclaimed for its very original music and immediately rose to fame. When journalists asked them how they had managed to make such good music, they answered, “It was all thanks to Verity.” She saw them on TV. After that they formed a strong friendship with each other, and later they would continue to work together. Clearly this would not have been possible without her.
Friends, and with this we finish today's story. I hope you liked it. If you want, you can leave me your opinions in the comments, I will be happy to read them. Also, if you want, you can leave me a recommendation letter to use in the next story. Thank you very much for reading, see you soon. Greetings.
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