A lot of people first starting out tend to play the game without any real goal or idea of how to maximize their earnings. To them, this game is click and come back to it. The way I see things is that if you want to be efficient, you have to have a goal and all your actions should work towards achieving that.
Possible Goal #1: Get to Level 50 ASAP
If you want to get to level 50 to get the Starbits Millionaire Card, then you had best focus on levelling up. Based on experience, the fastest way to level up is to spam the music lessons. Pick the music lesson that will give you the most skill.
You can check out which lesson you have the most luck in here in this site: https://jotapdiez.github.io/risingstar_tools/.
As you can see, I have the most in guitar lessons, so I'd focus on spamming just music lessons until I get to level 50 (which was what I did in the past).
You can also choose to buy EXP cards if you really want to speed up the process.
Possible Goal #2: Earn what I can and slowly grind
If this is your goal, then I highly suggest you to make a schedule where every part of your day is filled with the activities that are shortest to do. You can spam these first 3 missions.
When I say spam, I usually do it until the ego is around at most 8. Don't forget to do a few music lessons to balance out the ego!
That's it!
The game is fun because it's click, do tasks, and listen to nice music. However, you shouldn't forget about setting your goals! What are you waiting for? Join us and become a rising star!
If you want, you can use my referral link here: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=pogier