Black Eye Butterfly... Contemplating NFT on Rising Star Game

in #risingstargame2 years ago

Get your limited NFT on the awesome "Rising Star Game" Its a great game, very addictive. I play every single day.Im actually about to hit level 400!!!
That's a lot of playing right from day #1

I wrote this Song a while back. Life is a great teacher if you pay attention.

Work hard... Stop to smell the roses... Everything ends , good or bad...

Most of all "Contemplate" things. Really look at them... Be them, if for just a while :)

You can also find my music on Emanate if you'd like to kick back and listen to some stories.. Here's the link

Although I'm not a fan of yutub, I still have a link there. I'm integrating to other platforms but for now my videos are here

Have fun!! Comments are always welcome :)

This is me being Dr. Rex lol Legendary card on the game


I also love to play rising star game.
This is my favourite collections!
I just catched you in Youtube.


Nice!! You have lots of good cards!!
Thanks for having a listen!! Now you are an antenna to :)