When does Ethereum pass BitCoin in Market Cap? and RISK!

in #risk8 years ago

Before or after July 1st?

Current Count is:

Bitcoin $ 45 Billion
Ethereum $ 36.5 Billion

The King is Dead. Long Live the King! Seriously, Ethereum is so much more than just a form of currency or store of value. As is NXT and several others.


But what about risk? Particularly systemic risk that can creep up in this new type of currency and economy just as it can in a system of fiat currency and assymmetric central banks.
Risk takes many forms. Do the early promoters and pioneers of bitcoin really want it to go mainstream? Will they try to stop it? Will they attack the popular exchanges so people lose confidence? Or perhaps another Mt Gox inside job?
Ehtereum is trying to get old school companies behind their blockchain and are succeeding. This is a great way to get the general public to support blockchain technology and is a stroke of genius. While I love love love bitcoin, I understand its limitations from what it is to how it is perceived. Bitcoin has a brand problem to overcome, think silk road. But I hope it does move on. Ethereum and several others are trying to build blockchain technology without the checkered past. (cough cough Ethereum Classic)

I also allude to the cultural wars being played out in the crypto markets, again, another potential catalyst for risk.

To me, aside form the normal risk of losing your key, these are the systemic risks associated with owning cryptocurrencies. I pay close attention to the overall market cap as reported by www.coinmarketcap.com and others. It is a great way to get a sense for what is trending and as well as for the overall health of this quickly growing market.

Anyway, I wish you all success in your endeavors.

And as always, Peace Out Steemit Peeps!


ethereum is really overstretched at the same time though, if the whole crypto bubble does pop ethereum might crash harder than bitcoin and the gap widens again

Indeed it might. $36 billion for an untested technology. I'm sure Venture capitalists are scratching their heads.

Solid post. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The decision to buy a coin should be based on real analysis of the coin. I found that people keep buying coins without have any knowledge of them. This is considered high risk. Besides coinmarketcap.com there is: https://www.coincheckup.com I really missed a platform that analyses every single coin in depth but this site gave me all the answers.