Other reasons could be to diversify SP holding to few more accounts for different purposes. @steemit has already made few accounts such as @misterdelegation, @steemit2 to diversify actions (delegations, payments to devs, marketing etc.).
May be decentralizing of stake is taking place. (Source: Steemit Inc. 2017 Roadmap Review)
This is, without doubt, the biggest failure in what has otherwise been a decent year for Steemit Inc. There was little to no effort at decentralizing Steemit Inc's stake. Some delegations went out to select individuals or projects, but this was done in an absolutely non-transparent, non-inclusive and yes, centralized, manner. Of course, I'm sure this could be justified, like many other misses on the list, by "we're not ready yet", but nevertheless, it has missed the roadmap target. A complete disappointment, and I would hope to see major strides made on this front in 2018.
That would be a great explanation. One would hope that if it were to achieve already established priorities, like decentralization of SP holdings, then @steemit would be a little more forthcoming with information about their actions.