Honestly Im a little shell-shocked to actually be going to Hivefest. Apart from the digital versions during the pandemic, the last time I attended was 2017 in Lisbon! (And amazingly I still manage to appear 3 times in this years promo video! ha).
I had such a good time, and every year I would say to myself, man, I wish I could get to hivefest again. Thailand! wow, if only..... Krakow....so close, and yet so far...... MEXICO!? what a dream, I wish I could've made it. But no. its been 7 years and just a couple of strange VR experiences to keep my dreams alive...
its time to SPLIT.
I havn't left the uk for about 5 years, since before the lockdowns, and for some reason Im feeling a little nervous about the whole endeavour. Planes, bookings and different languages arent my strong points (although Ive been learning some C# for my Unity game dev course!) but it will be a treat to see some Hivians and have a drink in another culture. Its good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. Right?
If anyone is around in split on Monday evening and wants to meet up, throw me a discord message at Basil#1118
huge love to you all as ever
Oooo. Have fun. I'm dead jealous. I was fortunate enough to be lined up for a free ticket back in July but a couple of days later John got made redundant out of the blue so I had to put the idea on hold. Then by the time things had settled down the ticket had been given to someone else. 😭
Given the situation I can't really justify the expense which is sooooo disappointing. Even more so now I know you're going.
Have a brill time and, hopefully, our paths will cross again in the not too distant future.
aww Gillian, it would have been so nice to have hung out with you in Split! I can hardly justify the expense myself though so I completely understand your decision. Besides....the weather looks pretty wet this week so hopefully you wont feel so disappointed when you see the pictures of a bunch of soggy, bedraggled hivians huddling round a laptop watching the chart go deep crimson! haha
It's great that you'll be there. I well remember spotting some odd chap on the Lisbon metro who turned out to be you. I'll get to Split late on Tuesday, so will probably see you on Wednesday morning. Have a good trip.
ha. that excited young dreamer, I remember him as well!
I look forward to being older and wiser with you, and draining a pint of croatian special brew :)
see you wednesday (possibly not til the evening as I have a course to do....unless I can get myself a cosy wifi spot at the venue...Ill talk to people on tuesday night and see) x
Going to miss you again! I go to the ones you don't!
we've never been seen in the same room together..... coincidence?
one day we will reveal our terrifying secret
Hi there @basilmarples my first Fest one was in Bangkok, then in Amsterdam two years ago, guess that's why our paths haven't crossed before. I'm flying out from Bristol at 6am on Tuesday (not looking forward to that!!) but look forward to meeting you, and more Brits and others in Split
oh nice. itll be good to finally meet you! see you tuesday evening I guess? Ill be doing my online course until 5ish but let me know if you want to meet up afterwards. Im in the Split-3 area and Ill probably stroll through the city in a leisurely fashion taking in the sights (and the foods!)
Opening drinks on Tuesday so I'm sure we'll bump into one another. We must grab TeamUK to do a group photo, this was from SF7 in Amsterdam. If I don't find you, please stop me if you see me, I'm quite easy to spot 😄

hey thats a pretty good turn out. Are we expecting this many teamUK this year?
Alas, I won't be there out of that photo, but most will I think, and some new faces I expect!
Remember it well… have a great one this year!
That's a pity, would have been good to see you again Adam
I'll be there, probably :)
Probably? 🤔 Aren't you presenting?
Yes :) But I need to drive about 500 km in rain.
And... btw: in saturday I was all day in hospital, but now I'm ok.
Oh dear, take your time and drive safely in the rain. See ya!
About 1 hour to Split... still raining ...
cool, lets go for a beer!
I'll contact you when I come to Split. I'm nov in Karlobag for a coffe, about 215 km and three hours...
awesome. seckorama incoming! I look forward to hanging out :)
Nice! Glad to read your braving the nerves.
We are heading out tomorrow from UK to. Fly out of Luton.
So we will be there on Monday too!
Look forward to meeting you 😎🤟
ah yeh Im doing the luton thing today. Not looking forward to that part, but here goes nothing!
might see you monday evening I guess? Good to know theres someone else about! :)
I'll be down near where it says Split-3 on google maps, but happy to stroll
We are on the 5:15 from Luton.
Might be on the same flight
ah dude, I only just saw this! I was actually on the wiz one which got delayed, but we totally could've hung out in the airport!
Its all been a bit of a stress so far (see my latest post) but I think Im finally settled. Im doing an online course until 5 but maybe we can catch up this evening? Im in the Split-3 area but happy to go wandering
I saw that whiz bang flight. Was confused by its take off so close to my easy jet. Who knew Split was such a popular destination 🤪
Yes, I’m sure a rendezvous this evening is in order.
We are in an Airbnb at the edge of this park at the tip of the Split peninsula.
The guy who rented to us said we are right next to the entrance of the non touristy side of the park.
So I must go check it out and behave almost like a local.
awesome. apparently theres a telegram group so Im genna try and get in on that. Theres a few Hivey Drifters knocking about tonight....it could turn in to a pack
There ya go bud, the pack awaitshttps://t.me/hivefest
Enjoy the trip!
Split is worth a visit.
Dobar dan: good morning
Dobre vece (however that's spelled): good evening
I won't be there, but I'll have someone from the agency watch your back ;).
lol. nice try agent X. I know it'll be you in disguise!
your protection gives me great reassurance, even if we cant enjoy a cool martini together on a sunsoaked rooftop. peace brother
p.s thanks for the intel. I will attempt to make rudimentary contact with the natives
I'm excited for you! I'll be watching the live stream from here in the US.

Cheer loudly for Ecency!
Ecency is a fine place to enjoy the hive. I'll be cheering!
enjoy the stream :)
Hi, @basilmarples, I'm in Split. Where to meet today?
oh I only just saw this! did you make it to aquarelle last night? Thats where I ended up with a few Hiveans
Enjoy! 😍
ta shani. Im taking my raincoat ;p