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RE: Road To SteemFest - Three Random Facts About Me (Week 4)

in #roadtosteemfest7 years ago (edited)

love this post!!... Much more should go a bit out of the Comfortzone to stay themself...

my grandfather said always you have to take steps outside the comfortzone to raise yourself to more powerful as before, and he was so right and your post showed me up again... Your Photos are GREAT you really deserve a lot of attention!! im a proud dad and a lot of times i forget to be proud for my self because i invest my times into my Kids... but most of Parents do it and forget to be themself ... its good to see you catch yourself to show up its both possible...

Send hugs to the other end of this world... and hope i can see much more of this posts in future ;)


I totally agree, once you are comfortable out of your comfort zone more things become possible.

Yeah I think as a parent we are always focused on others, and there is nothing wrong with that.. but being the best person you can be I think has a positive effect on those little ones as well. So it’s always good to work on ourselves.

Thank you!! hugs 🤗

im really happy you catched the message i want to shout out ;) smile...