Part Three
Oh God! Oh God! Steem Fest is so freaking close, less than two months away, and I barely managed to raise enough money to get a fancy beer in a club or a cheap whiskey. At first, I intended to join “The Road to SteemFest” initiative on a weekly basis but, somehow, I only managed to post under this tag twice, here and here.
I’m a capitalist motherfucker, and I strongly believe that if you want to get some new bling-bling, to attend a fancy fest then, you should produce more money to pay for it, and not pay with the money you already have. And, with that idea in mind, I tried to fund my way to SteemFest but, I have the feeling that I already failed.
At first, I was thinking that if I can raise all the money for the ticket through post rewards, including the SP, in two consecutive weeks, I will attend. But, considering this market, I can’t even raise enough to pay for the Plankton ticket in one month of full posting right now.
Thus, fundraising, producing more to pay for the ticket is not an option anymore. Then, I could use all of the rewards I make from all my posts to pay for the ticket but, considering that my enhanced writings are earning peanuts, and all of the money I’m making are coming from SteemHunt; this option doesn’t seems too doable either.
The last option is to pay for the fest with the money I already have. One Plankton ticket for SF plus the traveling expenses to Poland would cost me at least $400. If we add accommodation expenses and other consummation like food and booze in Poland then, the cost would be a shitload. So, the question is, do I have the cash to pay for all that? Yes I do. But, can I afford spending that much crypto in this market? Not really.
When it comes to “living off crypto” my strategy is simple. I cashed out some money, way less than I should’ve, when prices weren’t this bad so, I don’t have to worry about the volatility of the prices and let the market do what it wants to do. And, maybe, just maybe, that money will keep me going for six to as much as 12 more months.
With all those things in mind, I don’t really afford spending a couple hundreds of Steem/SBD for one week of fun since, I could easily live off that money for at least two months or, just hold, and sell in the future for a lot more money.
From an economical point of view, it’s not worth it spending such a big percentage of my portfolio, in this market, for a trip. Then, should I attend the fest?
Look, I’m an honest guy most of the times, all right? So, when I look at the schedule of the fest, I’m not excited about it at all. I mean, two days of conferences really don’t set my heart on fire, and nor do another two days of visiting the city, and social events. Don’t get me wrong, I like the schedule but, not for that price.
What reasons do I have to attend SF then? Uhm, the social events, of course, the parties and the polish girls. I would probably be in a constant hangover for a full week. But, then, again, that would be an expensive goddamn party, don’t you think? I mean, I could buy three years of Untold tickets (the most epic music festival from Eastern Europe) for that price, and that would be an epic party for sure.
The question is, why would I want to attend SteemFest? And there’s only one reason, partying with Steemians!
The second question is, what would I get back from SteemFest? It’s not like I would be going whale hunting for a week since that would not be my goal if attending. I would probably be half-asleep through all the conferences, so not much value from that.
The main thing I would get from SF would be a week of crazy partying with awesome Steemians. Which is epic but, does it really worth such a shitload of money?
To sum up my whole ramble: funding my way to SF is not an option; I could pay for the trip with my existing money but that would not be economically wise. Meeting epic Steemians and partying with them would be the only reason to attend. If attending, this would end up being my most expensive party.
And, I only have a handful of options. Not attending, this way I would be with $500-700 on plus, a shitload of money. Going to Poland for a week, only to go clubbing with Steemians at night, and not attending SF, this way I would be with at least $320 on plus. Or, attending the fest, which would put a nicely-sized hole in my pocket.
I can attend, it all depends if I want to spend that much money for a party or not, and I’m not even hoping to win a ticket, the competition is too solid.
This post is more for myself; I think better when I have my thoughts on paper but, since it’s also this week’s “Road to SF” theme, why not publishing it.
See you at SteemFest, if I end up attending.
Wow - you are an honest motherfucker, indeed.
That's a compliment, by the way ;)
You summed up pretty much everything I'm thinking about attending Steemfest. Well, in case I do make it and in case you do make it also, hope to meet you there :)
Thank you; that is indeed a compliment.
I feel you; it is a difficult choice to make for sure. Thankfully, I just won a ticket so; I will attend undoubtedly. See you there if you manage to make it happen. :)
My point of view on this is that I wouldn't cache out my cryptos anyway in the near future and I see the steemfest as an option to get something for all the activity I do here on steemit. It hurts to spend 500 Steem on ticket and not power it up, but I see my steem more as play money as anything else, I earned by having fun and I use it for having fun (for exemple for buying gin from @spirits4you).
I agree it's not a great move to cash out crypto right now, at least not in large quantities. The issue with spending crypto is that, if it goes up in value, you're losing a lot more money than you initially thought.
I like the way you see the situation. Well, if you make it to SF, make sure to bring some spirts from @spirits4you. :D
I can't take them with me in the airplane.
Ouch, right. Good, I'm traveling by bus/car/train, I'll make sure to bring some Romanian liquor.
The plane is simply the cheapest way for me.