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RE: One Year on Steemit - Road to Steemfest Freewrite #1

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Thank you @sunravelme. Yeah, I saw that you joined in late July. I bumbled around for the first month not really knowing what to do. I got 2 curie votes at the end of that first month and eventually got my detective hat on and followed the vote trail to work out what the heck was going on. I eventually found my way to their room. It took me at least 2 months to find discord, writers block was my first channel and so we met. I have to say a huge personal thank to you and @geke as you both were the people who most inspired me in workshop feedback & general support in those early days. Although I may not have projected this, I had very little confidence in my poetry at that time.

Thanks for the well wishes for steemfest also, if I make it their will be loads of posts about it, but maybe only a few during the festival with most of them the week after 🙂 Plenty to inspire much jealousy and vicariousness across the steem-o-sphere.