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RE: SHOCKING: Robert De Niro Was Client Of ELITE AGENCY - Files Seized by Police.

in #robertdeniro8 years ago (edited)

Yea i understand. I am more concerned about the little kids. But Deniro is pretty cocky about what Trump is doing. i have never seen a pres who has even talked about pedophiles to the extent Trump has. DC is infested with pedos who go after little kids . Crazy times are on the way as the politicians are implicated. They need a world war more than ever to divert attention.
The Franklin Report tells the whole ugly story. Sad truth is the problem is bigger now.


I think De Niro is entitled to his opinion, even if he's wrong. I don't think it is right for his name to have been released to the public just to gain publicity. Had he been accused of a crime, that would be different.

As to the terrible victimization of children, you are right, and there have been more arrests of traffickers and pedophile rings in the last 4 months than in the previous 4 years (I don't have exact figures). The media just aren't blasting this on the front pages anymore, because, I believe, it's becoming a threat to the deep state.

Let's hope it's more than a threat, and it takes them down.

i agree Deniro does not deserve this smear.. But maybe Deniro will step up now and point out who the real child pedo's are now that he is being put in the same box. Could work out as a good thing if Deniro turns truther about DC and hollywood child pedo rings.

Maybe so. Celebrities seem to enjoy the bully pulpit.

I pay as little attention to celebrities as I can, so actually have little idea as to De Niro's views. I don't necessarily care what he thinks, but those that do might hear it. Just because we've heard his name doesn't make him an authority on anything, or knowledgeable about pedos in Hollywood.