If you disagree with who @robinhoodwhale promotes, why not talk to them in chat in civilized manner unless your intention is to create public drama?
An open letter is a civilized manner an actually we are already talking on this post with the @robinhoodwhale
And regarding this:
To me, you're trying to imply @anahilarski is rewarded by @dollarvigilante's success, simply because they are a client.
NO. We are not implying anything we are explicitly poiting at facts. And the fact is @anahilarski is not an isolated "small fish" on steemit. She is conected with @dollarvigilante (as she stated on ther introduction post), so he clearly doesn't need @robinhoodwhale's help. Remember those small fish that have no powerfull friends on steemit, those were the openly promoted targets of the @robinhoodwhale initiative...