Adsactly Tech News: Toyota's Cool New Robot the T-HR3
The world of robotics is constantly adapting and changing. In this article I will discuss Toyota’s new, third generation humanoid robot, the T-HR3. It is the type of humanoid robot that can get things done and really help you around the house. One of the coolest things about this new robot is that it can be controlled by a user’s movements. What makes it even greater is that it can perform many of the same functions that humans can, so the T-HR3 makes a great friend!
Toyota claims that they have made this robot product lin with a specific goal in mind to explore new technologies for safely managing physical interactions between robots and their surroundings.
Furthermore, according to Toyota, the T-HR3 is a move away in terms of evolution from previous generation instrument-playing humanoid robots that were created to test the precise positioning of joints and pre-programmed movements.
This new platform is being built with capabilities that can safely assist humans in all sorts of applications. They will be able to perform tasks in homes, medical facilities, construction sites, disaster-stricken areas and even outer space.
News of the T-HR3, which was picked up by The Verge, comes from the auto giant’s home country of Japan. In a press release, the company said that the T-HR3 demonstrates Toyota’s latest robotics platform, and will be used to “explore new technologies for safely managing physical interactions between robots and their surroundings, as well as a new remote maneuvering system that mirrors user movements to the robot.”
This remote system has a lot of useful applications in my opinion. It can follow a user's movements and essentially imitate them. This is a real life robotic avatar folks!
Although Boston Dynamics has the Atlas robot which I also like for its agile ability to climb stairs and do backflips, I tend to prefer this new Toyota model because I've always liked the rounded look of Toyota's recent line of humanoid robots.
Hey, I bet I can do you one better than simply describing this robot and talking about how great it is, why don't you take a second and see for yourself! I think you'll be impressed:
In terms of specs, you’re looking at a 165-pound five-foot-tall “Toyota Robot Partner” that has ten fingers, two feet and a pair of eyes that are a lot more WALL-E than they are skinless Terminator.
So lets get this straight folks, this robot has ten fingers, two feet and a pair of eyes! This is the type of robot you can take home to mom or have watch your kids without completely freaking them out. This is the type of robot we may just see years from now commonly walking down the street or shopping at the supermarket or working in the supermarket.
Who knows what applications people will come up for these humanoid droids. The whole neighborhood is going to be lining up to grab one of these models. Who likes to wash dishes? Who likes doing the laundry? Who likes reading bedtime stories to their kids? Ok, that last question may be pushing it a bit because if I had kids I think I'd really enjoy reading bedtime stories to them but I think you get my point!
T-HR3 is outfitted with a series of Torque Servo Modules (i.e. servomotors or “robot muscles”) that are controlled from the Master Maneuvering System, which has a headset that allows you to see out of T-HR3’s eye cameras. The whole setup looks a bit like Snuffles’ advanced mechanical suit from Rick and Morty — at least from the waist up. Although one of the previous generations of the Toyota humanoid robot, the i-Foot, really looks like something that could frighten Summer in the middle of the night.
Although it may not look like it right now, we are surely living in an age of technological marvel. As the speed of these robotic developments pick up we are certain to see exponential improvements being made in this field. We most certainly will have an opportunity to live in a world in which humans and robotic humanoids work together harmoniously although there is also potential that we may find ourselves at odds with our new robot neighbors and co-workers.
One interesting fact that many people may not know is that Toyota has been developing and engineering robots since the 1980s. They began developing industrial robots to that were specifically designed to aid in manufacturing processes.
Toyota is now leveraging what they've learned creating industrial robots and applying that knowledge towards developing new mobility solutions that support doctors, caregivers and patients, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
It seems there are so many potential applications for robots in areas that humanity can benefit from that this persuit and has potential to solve many of the problems we face in the modern world. With this perspective we should certainly give robotics developers the benefit of the doubt while keeping a watchful eye as many companies will most likely decide to take another route in developing robots and robotic components for the military industrial complex.
What do you guys think of this new Toyota T-HR3 robot? Do you think we are living in an age where these type of robots will co-exist with humans and perform daily tasks that some of us can do but would prefer not to?
Please leave your thoughts and feedback below!
Thanks for reading.
In-text citations source: Toyota’s New Humanoid Robot Looks Like a Friendly Atlas - NerdistAuthored by: @techblogger

Wow, I didn't know that Toyota has been manufacturing robots since the 80s! I especially like the idea of robots being able to go into harsh environments and serve as an aid to people in need. I feel that robots like these are viewed as potential threats and only as military weaponry, but these bots can do real good if we design and use them properly! Thanks for sharing this! 🙏🏽
They have been at it for a long time. In fact Japanese cars gained a huge piece of the automotive market in the 1980s probably due to the fact that they used robotic processes to cut costs and they focused on durability and quality. Happy you enjoyed this article.
This is very cool and yes the Japanese are awesome at robotics. Its amazing what the future will be if we just use some imagination!
wow, I lived in Toyota shi, Nagoya Japan! so proud
Amazing! What was it like living in Toyota, Japan?
So toyota is a place? Didnt know that! Thats cool!
great technology awesome vedio of robert.
Great. This is how tech is changing.
They should manufacture gentlemen like this for security and defence purpose to make this world more and more secure.
Awesome RoboCop suit!
Some of the old science-fiction fantasy robot ideas will come true in the 30s. We are going to see it unfolding. It's still early stage of development for now, but we're definitely getting closer and closer.
Wonderful to see more robots being manufactured by Toyota which will one day benefit all of human kind. Robots will have very specific roles and fit in our society one day, helping with all sorts of needs and tasks. Once science fiction, now closer to reality each and every day.
Japanese robot {-_-}
wow.... i like it
I still amaze with ASIMO can play a violin beautifully.
Grate technology...i like it ...
amazing technology, the future is indispensable for such things, I really like watching the development of technological progress, especially robotics, thanks for the post
This is simply awesome these humanoid robots can now co-exist with people. The best of all robots invented and it can do backflip! Wow!
Thank you for this very informative post @adsactly ! Resteemed!
Wao, I really admire this post. Keep it up bro
hmmm, technology is seriously going to another level...#toyotarobotic
Good Tel
Really interesting post, loving the varied content on Steemit, learning so much every day in just a few minutes of reading :-)
Thank You!
Beautiful article. I wonder what kind of robots are going to be created next and whether that is going to be enough help for the space agencies to be able to go deeper into space . Maybe with the help of robots like these we may be able to find life on other planets.
Cool post about robots.
Great technology ever. Thanks for share it gives us some technology related knowledge.
Modern world and modern technology.Great work...Thanks,@adsactly
I love robots but it isn't until you click the video that you see this one takes it to a whole other level!!
Thanks M. Boom. The robotic avatars are coming to your local tech shop!
Let's start a new franchise!

Lol, yeah!
This morning, I finally got off my ass and wrote out a little blog about the AI/Blockchain connection... It's pretty freaky!
Lol, i will havea look
Science is not science its magic
ROBOT. iRobot..... What the meaning is "i" and "iR"obot.... tell me more. thanks.
That is a good question! Possibly it is a reference to the eye in the sky? The eye of horus? The I-lluminati.... or perhaps it stands for intelligence. OR it may not mean anything at all?
I liked your post. So I voted and commented on your post.
Wow! it's nice I like this.
In the future all people you have talk you do not know if it is a robot or real people HAHAHAHahah lol
amazing robot
WOW this is really great, technology is catapulting the world to its peek, i bet it can even help me in some house chores i hate doing, like sweeping
I'm quite sure this line of robots is perfect for you if you just need a bit of help around the house. It would make a great sweeper!
Yeah i agree with u man
Thank you Toyota
I hope you will be able to maintain personal safety
I want one!
Ahhh....two would be even better because then I can set up a boxing match.
Yes or if you had three you could organize an akward date... Two would go out together and the third would go with them acting as a sort of lonely third wheel...
I want to pilot this too!
That is interesting!
omg... a few years later that is not imagin
This is really great. Thanks for this update.Hi, @adsactly
When someone believe that new things can be created, it will happen for sure. In the future, i believe that robots will act ike human as in humanoid and will also think like human. The future is more scarier than ever. Have you seen IRobot? know what I mean...
I'm not speechless very often but this really made me speechless. How much the world has grown in technology in the last few decades. Hopefully we can keep robots like these doing good things and not bad things.
What's up mate! Welcome to Steemit. Follow people that will teach you how to grow and you'll be a popular Steemit blogger in no time :)
Yes. That will be humanity's collective hope indeed. Do we own the technology or does the technology own us?
wow. nice robot i like & resteem this post!
Excellent article. resteemed :D
Science makes our live more Advance... One day robots will do anything like us
hopefully the robot does not interfere with humans in the field work
Robots are good... But A.I. freaks me out!

nice robot i like & resteem this post!
Things are going wild already.
Im just curious to see how much it can evolve all this things from now until the next 10 years.
Ohhhh boyy!.
That's super interesting, the age of avatars is arriving!
Absolutely, it is the stuff science fiction movies are made of.
I worked with Toyota for 6 years it is an extreme manufacturer
Looks like we can make a gundam soon
Nice post please upvote my profile