Robotina A Game-Changer in Energy Management

in #robotina7 years ago

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The Robotina Platform will be a vertical, innovative comprehensive empowering arrangement, comprising of associated Internet of Things (IoT) components (things, forms, information, individuals) and the Power Platform (PP). It will utilize Smart Rules, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain innovations. It will be keep running in the cloud, accessible as an administration. Robotina Platform and associated IoT will execute a huge number of computations every second. Every count will bring about a little advantage and a little cut of income, which will aggregate each second. Toward the day's end, this will end up being the main thrust of the business. Counterfeit consciousness, machine learning, protected multi target streamlining and blockchain innovation enables us to disturb the power market and execute a collective sharing economy plan of action, which disperses various advantages to the taking an interest clients.

Robotina is a Slovenian organization, fused in 1990 and concentrated on development in computerization and control innovation. Our Internet of Things (IoT) empowered equipment (HW), cloud programming (SW) and different arrangements have exhibited our greatness in:

• Controls in industry, structures, vitality and framework,

• Cloud based programming and SaaS (Software as Service) platform for constant/genuine associated IoT gadgets,

• Cognitive advancements, machine learning and counterfeit consciousness

The Robotina Platform will be crypto-accommodating and Robotina Utility token (ROX) will be the select token, utilized as a part of every single inward exchange. The client will get a unique rebate while paying with ROX (one of the ROX utility features), though the administrations and items sold on the Robotina platform could likewise be obtained with different digital forms of money, tokens or fiat cash. Some other methods for installment will be changed over into ROX tokens and proposed for the subsidizing of the advantages earned by group.

An open Initial Coin Offering (ICO) will occur in March 2018 keeping in mind the end goal to gather commitment ($28.5mio - Hard Cap) from supporters and to grant them with ROX tokens. Each of the 815.000.000 ROX tokens sold will be created after the ICO (first May 2018). Later issuance's will be crippled in the keen contract for ever. In outline, the deregulation of the electrical supply industry and the related legitimate structure empowered the division of parts of electric industry partners, evacuates imposing business models and opens the commercial center. Most states have resolved to diminish CO2 emanations by expanding renewables in their portfolio by 2020 and to utilize a shrewd network idea.

New innovations and associated gadgets are broadly acknowledged and new, platform based business, are surpassing the conventional ones.


Robotina has a significant know-how in the field of brilliant structures and urban communities, effective utilization of vitality, economical advancement, and sustainable power sources. An essential favorable position of the organization is the advancement of its own creative innovation, items and arrangements, which are in effect continually enhanced to address the issues of the market. The organization has tremendous involvement in ventures concerning vitality control and administration like Messib and EE Highrise. Applicable exercises include:

• Smart buildings
• Infrastructure automation
• Industrial automation
• Photovoltaic power plants
• Energy storage and management systems

Technology is the enabling condition and occupies the central role in these new business
models. The following technologies are necessary to achieve the digital transformation and to realize our project:
• Internet Of Things (IoT);
• Blockchain and Smart Contracts;
• Artificial Intelligence;
• Efficient battery storage;
• Cloud computing and big data.
In future, business will need to rely on the above-mentioned technologies to be successful.




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