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RE: Robot Equality - Is it here?

in #robotrights7 years ago

Great thought experiment.

And even at this stage, I think it's completely valid.

If an entity has power over other humans in intelligence and dexterity, destruction or creation - then yes, they should be held accountable and also respected as beings, equal beings (if equal with ability). The same concept should be applied to cloning a Neanderthal or creating a bioengineered being with equal mental, emotional and physical ability as a human. We might make slaves, but if they really were slaves,they shouldn't be designed to suffer as slaves - which also is a right. A right to not have the ability to suffer. It's ethical to even think that way - not only for the entities that may be created, but for ourselves - our conscious. What we treat as human. I think it's a great exercise, and to be honest.. it's a gift to empathy and humanity to think of other creatures in likeness and to treat them as so - even in thought... the practical implication of the thought may help us see other humans and people with more empathy and just actions.

Thanks for the great post, and opinion on it, and also for pitching the question on it.