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RE: Robot Trucks

in #robots8 years ago

I've been known to do a thousand miles between the time I woke up and the time I laid my head down. I didn't say I was %100 legal..sometimes the load needed to GET the time I was doing disaster relief for Katrina.

My point is..that in all that all those miles ...I've made some observations and from them come to some conclusions.

People, in general, are piss poor drivers.
it wouldn't take much of a robot to do a better job.


Interesting, you must have seen some serious shit if you're advocating for the replacement human drivers. I mean that is exactly whats going to happen. Why would they spend millions on robot trucks to only drive part of the way? Not gonna happen. This will replace human drivers.

Anyhow, I'm not going to argue that there is some shitty drivers....sure, and they all work for Swift lol Seriously though, I think if a person did some digging they would see that more than the majority of truck involved wrecks are the result of cars. You can't drive 3 million miles and tell me you've never had a close call with a car. I used to have cars cut me off all the time or pull in front of me only to slam on their brakes and turn. Keep in mind, I hauled fuel, basically a bomb on wheels and no one cared. I couldn't plow throuigh them like I was hauling dry van and I couldn't dodge them either. Liquids is a different animal. Slamming on my brakes would only cause the fluids to slam into the bulkhead pushing me forward. Dodging them would cause the fluid to slosh causing me to loose control and possible flip over. Cars didn't care, they thought I could stop on a dime like i'm driving a Ferrari or something.

I considered myself to be empty if I grossed less than 100K. There was no such thing as slamming on my 55mph it took a LONG WAY to stop...and being long wide TALL(top heavy) there WAS no dodging either.

and yeah...I saw flippin idiots every day...and yeah...95% of all wrecks involving trucks was due to automobiles (DOT data)

and your point?

there are 30K deaths on US highways every year.

If robot cars/ trucks only caused 25K that's five thousand lives saved EVERY YEAR.