To the old man me.

in #rock9 years ago

Let me get this straight. If a story is placed on Steemit it's there forever, never to be changed or altered unless the author of the piece decides to do so. Sooooo... Right now I could be reading this, it's 2064, and I'm 98 years old.
Hi 98 year old me, how's old age treating you. I bet fifty doesn't feel old to you any more now does it. Not that you felt old at fifty anyway! How do you think you made it to 98? It's because at fifty you were healthy and handsome. Well, handsome compared to how you look now you old fart.
I'm surprised that humanity's not extinct even. It was precarious living back in the old 2016's, what with Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump battling it out for Presidency of the New United World States of Ordered America. As the meme said, 300 million plus people in the USA and it came down to those two idiots. Oh well, you have a better idea of the shit pit that they ended up creating then I do... considering the election hasn't even happened here yet.
Speaking of shizpitz, how's the chemtrail and Geo-engineering issue. Have they admitted that they did that kaka yet or are people looking up at the sky and going, "Funny weather we have been having lately, look another evening firestorm. Better put up the nano-shield and eat our GMO salmonappletoast before smoke fall."
Wouldn't surprise me. They were fucking with the atmosphere pretty solidly back in the day while pulling the cloned Sheep's wool well and truly over our eyes wide shut.
Can't really blame the powers that be'd but. The masses, as a rule, were pretty stupid. Remember those messed up false flags they used to keep everyone on terrorvision. 100's dead in whatever situation they chose to make up, every dick and his foreskin carrying a device along with lamestream media on the scene and not a decent shot of anyone actually dead, no blood, no carnage, horrible crisis actors. Shit, if the "shooters" had as bad a' aim as those filming these events no one would ever of been hurt... not that we could ever be sure anyone was hurt anyway.
Did it work! Is everyone who's left, you know the 500'000 that are still alive, are you all mind controlled dumbed down slaves laughing at this paranoid shits and giggles blog for nostalgia, wondering how we could of been so lame to believe this conspiracy stuff.
Nah; not you old man. You always managed to push their poo aside with the pointy end of the stick of truth. You even slung it into the face of the shut eye populace in the hopes of making it occasionally stick every now an' then you little long haired bottle rocket. Or should I say you grey haired limp biscuit.
Speaking of limp biscuits, how's the music scene going? Last I looked (mid 2016) any labia fingering twerk with a lap top and a subscription to an online music app can take main stage at music festivals and command a legion of dancing drones simply by pushing play.
Are there even rock and roll bands left or have they gone the way of the skiffle band? And what ever happened to our cassette collection? Tape players are rare enough now'a days! Actually I just heard that the last manufacturer of tape players was closing down at the end of this year. At least vinyls having a rebirth.
Well you wrinkly Ol' bastard, time for me to sign off. I've got a business to run and I'm probably not going to make a packet on Bitcoin using Steemit. Not with my fucked up conspiratorial mind and poor spellability.
Are you laughing at your self ya' old stinky fluff?


I'm rather glad I won't be around when you are re-reading this. But a good read thanks - reminded me of the Musical We Will Rock You, by Ben Elton and the music of Queen I saw recently here in Sydney. Cheers and good luck :-) Stuart (steemitwithstu)

Thanks for reading. I'm new to Steemit (obviously) and don't really know what I'm doing!! I just discovered how to reply to a post and to like a page, ( yeah big achievement I know) but I have no idea how to like a page, place a photo or a meme or an image for my "brand". Any suggestions for tutoring ? Cheers.

Hey again. Thanks for your follow the other day. I just noticed that today - so I am also obviously new LOL. But I have just published a new post, exhorting minnows to form shoals of minnows to take on the greater weighting of the whales. You might have a read here. Cheers for now, and it seems we are now in our SoM (shoal of minnows)

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