Hi, I'm Erica.
What is there to really say about myself besides I love writing? I write anything from fantasy novels to poems. I've been writing a long time and it's been a struggle. I've tried publishers, tried getting in with the literary agents and have tried to save up money for an editor. I'm young so I still believe that my writing has so much potential to take me where ever I need to go. My dream still is to eventually go back to school and become a real author, but enough of my dream talk.
I'm sort of already living a dream.
It's nothing fancy, nothing rich or even exciting.
I write many romance stories. Some are typical, others I've tried to branch out with my new spins on romance.
But the proudest romance story I have, is the one that actually happened to me five years ago.
Here I am sitting on a church pew, praying that I could get over an ex-boyfriend. I know I'm silly. Who prays in the middle of church to get rid of an ex?
I sat there with my phone blowing up with text messages. "Hey, I miss you." "We should hang out." "Are you going to be at the dance this weekend?" "When can I see you?"
My fragile teenage heart couldn't take it anymore. We'd been off and on for the past two years and I was basically singing the Taylor Swift song, "We are never ever getting back together...like ever."
I looked around the audience, searching for anyone to maybe talk to so I would have an excuse.
Now I'm not trying to be cheesy, although people who know me, could say that I'm theatrical. I promise, this wasn't one of those moments.
This moment was like Romeo walking into the room and that was it. BAM!
This man had walked in a little late and I seriously could not take my eyes off him. He was tall with broad shoulders and his blue eyes were so familiar yet beautiful. Everything from the way he walked to the shape of his face, I felt like I knew him. My heart pounded so loudly that it rung in my ears. I knew I had to talk to him.
Finally when the meeting ended I secretly followed him like a lost puppy. He didn't see me, but I watched him smile and laugh with his friends. My heart melted and all I could do was listen behind them. To my absolute luck a friend from High School approached me and she happened to know this prince that had captured my heart.
She helped me get involved with the conversation. The moment I spoke up, though I have no idea what I said, our eyes connected. I could tell that he was kind. I remember asking him on the way to the next class what his name was. I didn't catch it though. My friend told me that he was in the same apartment building as her. He was in apartment nine.
What serious luck!?
So that's who he was for the longest time. "The cute guy from apartment nine."
And when I say longest time, I mean for that day because my friends knew that I was absolutely full of myself. I was on cloud nine for this guy.
They invited him over to their house to build their own bake potatoes.
I was naturally the first one there because I was so excited. Time passed. The potatoes were done. People flooded in from the other apartments and my Romeo was clearly absent. His roommate came over and tried to awkwardly flirt with me. I couldn't handle it. This couldn't be it. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
I then asked my friend for sure, if the kid was from apartment nine and she said, "Oh yeah, he literally lives right there." She pointed out her kitchen window at the door straight across from hers. The shades were down on the window and I mustered the courage to walk out the door. Everyone was so confused as I walked across the parking lot. They soon went after me, asking what I was doing.
This was the moment for me. I knocked on this man's door and he answered with the cutest face. He looked shocked, and wore sweat pants and a tee. His perfectly gelled hair was in a disarray.
I smiled kindly. "We made potatoes and you didn't come."
He apologized for he had fallen asleep!
He shyly invited me in with the rest of our friends and that was it. We spent every moment together.
The next day we had our first kiss.
The next week I became his girlfriend.
I was absolutely obsessed. I was so in love that it didn't seem real.
Then a few months later I laughed, "So where is my ring?"
He thought I was joking. I wasn't.
His face was adorable as he asked, "Wait, really?"
In August, the end of that summer we were married. This really is the man of my dreams. I am still so star struck even after five years. Since then we've adopted a fury baby and I'm living the romance. How lucky can I be?
You found love. That definitely makes you lucky. =)
Welcome to Steemit, @bubblejellybean!
You said you like poetry. I would love it if you would read some of mine sometime.
Take care. :)