A Broken Heart
I guess a valuable lesson had been learned in this situation…love sucks. It can draw you into its soft, warm, loving arms over an abyss and then let you go. You could fall forever and that love will never know.
I rolled over in bed, feeling cold and empty. This must be normal after saying ‘I love you’ to someone and having them simply get up and walk away and not respond. But, I knew they felt the same way. I could feel it in their touch, the kisses, and everything else.
I pushed myself up, trudged out of bed, and dressed. I had my first day of college in less than a week. Tonight was the first night of welcome week and I wanted to be presentable for festivities. I had been smiling for weeks due to graduation and starting this new chapter; there was no need to cry about my feelings now, I told myself. There is someone else out there for me. Looking in the mirror, I eyed the scrawny guy staring back at me. I needed to change something. I needed to change me.
I placed my baggy clothes on and found my way to the elevator, where my friend Sean was heading out.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I just met these people and I am going down to hang outside the mezz,” said Sean. “You should join.”
I almost declined, but instead I replied, “Sure.”
We entered the elevator. On the landing, we were greeted by a two girls, both bubbly and a tall guy.
“Hi Sean, this is Josh and Dana,” said first girl. Average height, and build, she held out her hand to me, “I’m Elizabeth, but I go by Liz.”
“I’m Evan,” I replied.
“Well Evan, you look sullen,” she said.
I smiled…I was no longer going to be. I felt these friends were going to be the ones that help define me for this moment. We found ourselves on the grass a couple hours later, laughing, playing games, and mingling with the other students.
Chapter 1
Their Eyes Met across the Way
I stepped off the plane, with my carryon and personal item. It had been since graduation that Liz and I had seen each other. We had gone on to become great friends in college, eventually we gave the roommate thing a try and it worked out marvelously. We were very similar in nature. She helped me expand my horizons on the sex life and I helped her assure she had a good party time. I had come to accept a lot of the heartbreaks that I tried to burry away, and I had moved past most of it. I was looking for more…usually, but this weekend I was looking for a great time.
I followed the signs that said ‘Baggage Claim’ as I checked my phone.
Pulling up right now, can’t wait to see you! - Liz
I am coming out. No bags to claim! – Me
I moved towards the exit, and as I did, I ran into a woman I had met on the plane. Dr. Akasha was a Professor of English at the University of Louisiana. She and I had spoke about her writings and my inspirations to be a writer. I had gotten some great pointers from her. One that stood out the most was to simply write. I took that to heart. I smiled at her. I had added her on social media. I wanted to see all that she was going to accomplish. I stepped outside and saw my friend in her black beetle car. I hurried to the little bug.
“Liiiiiz!” I said. Graduation was nearly a year ago. This weekend we were going to celebrate like college kids, although Liz had not stopped her party. She was working in NOLA as a teacher in America’s Teachers Association (ATA). She said partying and drinking, mostly drinking helped with the stress of students and the long hours. “You ready for martigras?” she asked a glass of wine in hand for me to drink.
“Yes,” I said, taking the glass as I put my seatbelt on. I sipped as she pulled off.
We drove off from the Baton Rouge Airport. It was the only flight I could take without it costing an arm and leg; I was making decent money, but my salary was not cutting it. I was in entry-level management, but I was working on a book that I hoped would take me down the path I dream of being an author. I had also started working on poetry to submit, but I needed a pseudonym because the book I wanted publish first was attracting an audience that would not appreciate the poetry.
I took another sip of my wine and asked, “So, how if this guy you have been seeing—what’s this one’s name?”
“Brad,” she said with a grin. “He just won’t make the moves I want him to make. We have gone on four dates and he has yet to even go in for a tit grab. I am like, ugh! Touch me!” She said rolling her eyes.
I laughed, “Well isn’t he coming to hang out with us tonight?”
“Yes,” Liz responded.
“Well, we should change that,” I said, downing my wine. I looked around for more, but the bottle was not in sight.
“What are you looking for?” Liz asked.
“More,” I said in a voice of a crying child.
Liz and I burst into laughter. “Don’t worry, we are going to stop by the market before we go to the hotel in NOLA. Actually let us do that now. “
“You must be psychic, because NOLA is over an hour away and I can’t be sober the entire way. “
“Well, you are in luck, because we are going to be in Baton Rouge tonight if my plans go correct. Brad wants to hang out and he is in town. So we are to crash at his friends tonight.”
“Cool,” I said, “as long as I can get a bottle or two.”
We pulled into the grocery store parking lot and found a spot. I got out, adjusting my fedora and said, “I look cute!”
Liz shook her head and said, “Looks like your workout regimens are still doing you well. How much weight have you gained since I met you?”
“Around fifty pounds,” I responded. I thought back to that scrawny person that used to stare back at me in the mirror. That 125lbs of skin and bone figure was now 180lbs of muscle. I closed the car door. “Let’s hope it finds me some lover in NOLA.”
“Still looking for love?”
“Aren’t you?” I asked. I had moved away from the random hookups and meeting people from apps. I stilled used the popular gay apps to chat with people and I had already started talking with a guy in the NOLA area, but I was not going to meet him. He was hot though. Definitely my type of hookup. We walked to the store and grabbed a cart. I pushed and Liz through things in the basket. I looked at her selection: red wine, white wine, pink wine, beer, whiskey, cider, and vodka. It didn’t seem like we were going to eat the entire trip.
“Do you plan on eating, because I do,” I said with a grin.
“Awe yeah,” she said. She led the way to the chip aisle and through in two bags. I nodded. “I’ll grab some pop tarts and lunchables.”
“Why?” she asked, a genuine look of confusion on her face.
“Because some of us eat,” I said. “Don’t you?”
“Teaching takes up too much time, so if I am not on a date, then I just eat chips with a glass or two of wine.”
I nodded, impressed by this diet. I moved to the cooler section and grabbed a large amount of lunchables that would sustain me during all my bad decisions. She laughed and telling me those were unnecessary. I ignored her and said, “I think this will suffice.” I looked at my phone and checked my gay apps. I had gotten a message from the NOLA guy. His name is Bobby; a small business owner and bartender.
So we aren’t going to meet? – he asked.
That is the plan. ☺ – I responded.
We found a short line to checkout. “So, what are we doing in the Baton Rouge tonight?”
“Going downtown,” said Liz. “I think that will be fun. Brad will meet us there. He doesn’t get off until sevenish.”
“ Ok,” I said. I looked at my phone, certain the time was nearly eight. I realized the drive to the grocery store had taken nearly an hour in traffic and we had somehow managed to spend nearly two hours in the store. Well that just meant less time to sit and wait. We separated our things and I paid. Just as we got to the car Liz phone buzzed, I assumed from Brad. I loaded the lunchables into the ice chest we had bought and filled with ice. That should keep them through the night and morning drive. I got into the car.
“Ok so, we are meeting downtown in an hour, but I feel like that leaves us time to go grab drinks,” Liz said.
I smiled a mischievous smile and said, “Lead the way.”
Liz moved through the parking lot as I cracked opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass. I drink it in nearly one go, as I like red wine much better than white wine.
“So,” Liz started, a hint of curiosity in her voice, “what are planning to happen tonight?”
“I am going to get you laid.” I said, starting on my second glass of wine.
“Right,” she said, still curious. “And how do you plan to do that?”
“Have you met my friend?”
She looked at me and said, “Dana, Josh or Sean?”
I shook my head. “You sure can be dingy sometimes. I am talking about alcohol!”
“Oh,” she laughed, “of course, of course. That’s my friend too. It may replace you as my bestie if you don’t move here.”
“I think it already has,” I said.
I looked at the clock and then the road of traffic that was leading to heavily lit downtown of Baton Rouge. It was a beautiful city. I could live in a place like this for a couple years. I could get out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was so over that place. I was applying for graduate school there and working on my book. Tulsa was just more affordable at the moment while I planned my career. I just needed to stay focus on my goals. My cousin, Niyah Moore, was a successful writer in Sacramento area who lived off her romance novels. She was my inspiration, but she could only guide me so much. She just told me to write just like Dr. Akasha had.
“So, what exactly are you going to do with alcohol and Brad and I?”
I looked at Liz. I had zoned out. One trait Liz and I shared in common.
“Well, I am going to lower inhibitions,” I said pouring another glass.
She shook her head, “As you are so good at.” She was referring to my frequency with some of our “straight” friends I had in university. I had left that life behind too. I wanted someone who knew who they loved. Everyone I was interested in was an adult and did not need to hide what they wanted. They were independent individuals who needed no approval from friends, family, or any other affiliations they may deem opinion worthy.
“I am so good at that, but only because they think I am handsome,” I said.
“And smart as hell. Three degrees in five years, while turning up like a maniac. Not to mention studying in Europe for six months and working full time and as a TA and a research assistant.”
I had definitely not let my broken heart affect my studies. It had only affected how I interacted with my heart. I was paranoid. I just could not trust anyone. I had given it another shot with a friend in first year, but he did the same. Then he had the audacity to apologize four years later after he dated a friend of mine. Of course that did not last. I had given up after him though.
Patrick had admitted his interest, but I could not bring myself to trust him. So I went extreme to having sex with many people, mostly friends as I had only had four one nightstands, which I was proud of since I had so many friends who were three times that or more. I had not lost myself that much. Maybe if I were heterosexual I would have though.
“Do you plan to share that?” Liz asked.
I looked down and realized I had started to drink from the bottle of red wine, which was nearly gone.
“No,” I said, finishing the bottle.
Liz laughed. “So I have been hooking up with another ATA member.”
“Liz!” I said, laughing. The wine was starting to get to me. I wasn’t shocked by this news. “Who is this guy?”
“He is Dad, as all the ATA girls call him,” she said. “He just has a dad vibe, you know?”
“No,” I replied, holding in laughter.
Liz released her amusement and said, “True, you wouldn’t.”
“And I won’t,” I said. We had come to a build up in traffic and were cruising at an annoying 35 mph behind a white SUV.
“The worst part about Baton Rouge and NOLA! The traffic; this city, especially, was not have the infrastructure to support the amount of people here. Two universities and the general population overwhelm the highways and living.”
“Popular cities are always like that,” I responded. “Think of New York City, it is overcrowded, yet most of us would happily live there with the hope of making it big. I know I would. There are so many publishing houses there.”
“I thought you were on the route for self-publishing?” Liz asked.
“I was, but I can’t push sales. I need help. I am pulling it offline and submitting it to publishing houses.”
“Well I hope that works for you,” said Liz. “I wish you were driving so I could drink, which is much more important.”
I smiled, “I can’t help you there.”
“You’re so selfish,” said Liz.
“I know,” I said.
“Do not open that,” said Liz, grabbing the bottle of wine I was about to have. “That is for the trip.”
“Are we almost there?”
“Yes,” said Liz taking the next exit. I sat up and fixed my clothes in the mirror and assured I looked decent. Liz found parking near the bar we were going to free, which from the look of the filled parking lots was rare. We got out of the car and walked to the bar. Inside it was busy, but I could hear the live music from a local band in the back, which is where I wanted to go. I followed the crowd and the sound. In the back, there was a decent crowd. I began to dance with a random lady. As we dance she grinded on me and I returned the gesture. Liz appeared and with a drink and joined in, dancing with a young Louisianan man.
After a few songs, we took a break and went inside for a drink. Liz checked her phone and said, “Brad is here. I have to go to the restroom, but you will notice him.”
I nodded and said, “I’ll get drinks.”
“No shots,” she said as she walked towards the bathroom.
“What can I get for you sexy?” asked the bartender.
I raised my brows and said, “Three shots of fireball.”
The bartender gave me a look that asked, ‘Didn’t she just say no shots.’
“She didn’t mean it,” I said.
“Ok,” she laughed and poured three shots. Just as I paid, a guy, who looked like Brad walked up.
“Brad?” I asked.
“Yes,” said holding out his hand. I shook it, nice and firm as always. “Evan?”
“Yes.” I presented him with a shot. “Wow, this is an introduction I haven’t had in a long time.”
“I am a different breed of people,” I said. Brad was cute. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and around my height, 6 foot. Liz arrived and hugged him.
“Here you go,” I said, handing her a shot.
“No,” she said. “I have been on a no hard alcohol consumption.”
I took the shot from her and said, “Fine. I haven’t been.”
Brad and I cheered each other and took the shot. I knew I was definitely saving Liz’s sex life tonight. After a couple more shots, we return outside, dancing more; the liquor was hitting all of us and we decided to go to a different bar. I wanted to see the area. At the next bar, I allowed Liz and Brad to mingle a bit so I found myself talking to a hot guy who was a student at Louisianan State University. We flirted a bit as I criticized his techniques of getting with women. He was very attractive and I could see he worked out. I traced my hand over his back to his pleasure. I could have him.
“So you find my technique bad?” he asked.
“You are hot, but you are nerdy,” I said. “That is sexy. Do not doubt your attractiveness and also do not try so hard for one girl. You strike me as a guy who gets laid, but not as often as he wants or needs.”
The guy nodded. “That is true. I mean twenty-five women later I still just want to keep going.” He sipped from his cup. “You’re gay?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“Pretty buff for a gay guy,” he said. “Workout much?”
“I try to be look like what I am attracted to.”
“I fall into that category?” he asked.
“You do,” I said.
“Suck dick?” he asked.
“Not often,” I said.
“Sucks,” he said with a smirk.
I looked at the crowd and how they danced. This was nice. I could definitely do Baton Rouge night scene again. We continued to talk about school and what he was studying.
“I am an engineering major,” he said. “And I am Luke.”
“Evan,” I said. I guess I forgot my manners after all the drinks. I found Liz and
Brad on the floor and they were looking like they were ready to go. Liz gave me a look of excitement. I returned to my conversation.
“So what do you study?” Luke asked.
“I studied Psychology and International Business. I graduated last May,” I said, emphasizing the word ‘studied’.
“So what do you do now?”
“I work in entry level management, and I write. Enough to get by one at the moment,” I said.
“Well, there are some lucky people to have you around,” he said. “Definitely a stud.”
“Same to you,” I said. “So, are you from Louisiana?”
“No,” he said. “I grew up in the northeast. I came to Louisiana for a change.”
“And how are you liking the change?” I asked, curious about the change in geographic location and how he had dealt with it.
“At first it was hard, but as time went on, I got use to it. I actually really enjoy it. I do not think I will stay after graduation.”
“Do you think you will go to graduate school?”
“Heck no,” he said. “I will just go into the workforce. I am tired of living off my parents and under their rules. I just would like to be free of being regulated.”
“So, you looking to be a dominate,” I joked. I had recently watched a BDSM movie in theaters so his statement reminded me of it. I took another drink. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Liz and Brad moving towards the door. I saw Liz give me a look and I sent her a text asking for the address. She responded quickly to my request. I did not want to interrupt, so I would not say goodnight to the two. I continued to talk to the hot jock.
Our conversation turned to sex and what we liked.
“I am more of a top,” I said. “I wouldn’t mind being bottom if I find the right guy. That has happened very infrequently. I can count the four people I had decided to bottom for. All were close friends that just turned to sex. Three were not even ‘gay’ or ‘bi’. It had simply happened with some liquor courage.
“Well I would not let you top me,” Luke said. “I mean, you have to be able to take it if you are gay…or bi. You have been with women, right?”
“Yeah,” I said. “But only in passing. Nothing too serious and never more than once; the few women—
“How many is a few?” he asked.
“Five,” I said. I could not remember if there had been more. I had excessively many drunken nights…and mornings.
“And you claim you are gay?”
“I know what I like,” I said.
“Actions speak louder than words,” Luke said.
“Yeah, but I didn’t say I didn’t believe in sexuality fluidity.”
His brow raised, confused. “Is that a psychology phrase?”
I laughed. “Some psychologists believe that all people are on a sexual spectrum, and while most will lean more one way, there are times in most individuals lives that they will stray to the other side. Now of course, some people actually do exists at one end of the spectrum, but that is rare in most cases.”
“You think so?” he asked.
“I know so,” I said. “I could jump your bone tonight.”
He nodded, not in agreement, but in that, it could be a possibility. However, he did not confirm my statement. Nevertheless, no denial was just as good.
“So, what if someone is attracted to one sex, and swear they would never be able to get it up for the same sex.”
“You mean a men,” I said, referencing the ‘get it up’ part referring to the men genitals.
He rocked his head around, realizing I had caught his statement of his one-sided question. “Yes.”
“Well,” I said. “There was a study done where guys who claimed they were heterosexual, with no interests in another man, were made to watch homosexual pornography. The study revealed they were aroused by the actions in the video—of course not all of them, but a significant number.”
Luke stared into space, in thought by the new information I had given him. “Yeah, I mean, if I were dominating a guy , it would make me feel like more of a man. You know?”
I gave him that ‘no shit, Sherlock’ look and he said, “Of course of you do. How does it feel to let a guy fuck you until he cums in your ass?”
“Hold up tiger,” I said. “I have never let anyone do that. But I can imagine it.”
“You telling me you use protection?”
“Mostly,” I said, which was true. I had always started off with any friend that way until I felt comfortable and/or we had been tested for STDs together. Now I knew mistakes were bound to happen, but they were very few. I mean I hadn’t given a blow job in over a year.
“You don’t swallow either, do you?”
I smiled and said, “Actually, that I will do. Only because by time I get to that point, I know you well. And plus I like to assure happy endings.”
“Good to know you’ll go all the way,” he said, a dirty look on his face.
I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly three in the morning. “When does this place close?”
“Four,” he said. “I got to do a walk around.”
“Wait,” I said, shocked by his statement. “You work here?”
“Yes,” he said. “But don’t worry, you’re good. I’ll be back.”
He stood and walked off. I looked down at my phone saw it was nearly dead and decided to request an uber. I was not waiting around for this guy. Plus, I we had a long day ahead of us. I finished my drink and saw that my uber had arrived. I made my way to the white Acura and hopped in.
This uber driver was a black man; the first black person I had ever met uber driving. “What’s up man,” he said very relaxed.
“Just feeling this buzz, you?”
“Nothing much. You from around here?” he asked. My accent must have been too weak compared to their Louisianan twang.
“No, I live in Tulsa.”
“Nice,” he said. “Martigras?” he said, not needing to ask any more.
“Martigras,” I said, nodding my head as if I were jamming to an old slow jam. We listened to the nightly radio. A few songs played that I had never heard. I did not spend much time listening to the radio. I much preferred an album. I liked to hear the art as a whole. As an aspiring writer, I knew that every word had a meaning, unless it was a radio single, manufactured to attract an audience. Of course, there had to an audience that would hear the work, so I understood the point of the radio single. I had been working on a fantasy series for years and hoped a publishing house would sign me and help market the book.
I knew I needed to build an audience, but I had yet to learn how. My cousin encourages short stories and I had no good ideas. I was a novelist. I wrote to tell a broad story with a message. Short stories did not encompass that in my opinion. However, I knew plenty of short stories with great messages. I just had no talent for such a task. Everything takes practice I told myself. No great writer gained attention overnight. It took time, practice, and patience. I had started looking into poetry competitions. I knew I needed a new pseudonym for the work I wanted to do. I was going to have to move away from fantasy to build an audience. I just could not write short fantasy stories. I needed inspiration to write something else.
My thoughts were on my career and how to get to where I wanted to go. I opened notes in my phone and wrote some of my thoughts on paper. I needed to start working on the television script for the supernatural series I had outlined. I just needed to focus. I would do that after this trip because I wanted to enjoy this break from work. Maybe it would lead to inspiration, because Lord knows I need it. We pulled up to the unfamiliar house. I found a key under the mat and let myself in. I instantly fell onto the couch and was asleep in moments.
When I woke Liz had cooked eggs and bacon and made me a plate.
“Wakey, wakey, sleepy, sleepy.” She was dressed and I needed to do the same. I ate quickly and showered. I chose a simple outfit to wear, which was not simple to most. I did not have many bad clothes. I like to look nice if I was not in my work clothes, khaki’s and a polo. That did not look bad, but it was not my attire of choice. It was much to frat boy for me. We both talked to Brad before saying goodbye.
On the highway, we talked and I drank a little. I learned more about Liz’s ATA coworkers. “Dad”, the ATA member, name was Sam, and I saw a picture of him and could see why he had his title. He had a bushy beard, and blond hair. He looked to be around 6’4”. Liz confirmed this. There was Jennifer, who went by Jenn, a Hispanic woman who was all about having a good time and a drink. She was bound to vanish a few times, which Liz said was perfectly normal. And then, Ali. She was having her friends from New York come down for the famous martigras.
The drive was only an hour and when we arrived at the hotel, Jenn and Sam greeted us. It was around 2 o’clock. We had slept in, but had did decent on our arrival time. We all introduced ourselves.
“Oh honey I am ready to drink,” Jenn said. She took a bottle of vodka took a few sips back to back and offered the bottle to me. I took it, knowing I hated vodka, but hey I was down for the turn up.
I took three sips and chased it with some wine. “Wow,” I said.
“Yes, I like you already,” she said. She took the bottle and took another sip. And I sipped wine and had more vodka.
“Slow down you two,” Sam said. “We want to last all night.”
“But you’re dad,” said Jenn in a seductive and playful voice. “You be all night.”
I laughed.
“You do not lie about that,” Sam said.
Ali took a glass of wine and I asked, “So is everyone in the NOLA area?”
“No, some of us are near Baton Rouge.”
“This lady here is probably going to be a principal soon,” said Sam.
“Really?” Liz said. “Where?”
Ali began to tell about her process of applying to be the principal of a charter school in Baton Rouge. Liz wanted to do the same, and in time she wanted to open an Educational Institute.
“Enough about work,” said Jenn. “More about this drinking.”
I laughed and took another shot. “Where are you friends, Ali?”
“They should be back soon, they were having lunch. They were a bit drunk though. We went to a parade this morning.” Ali took a sip of wine.
“So are the parades all day?” I asked.
“They are endless for the next three days,” said Ali.
“It’s NOLA, parades are just endless,” Sam said.
“True,” Liz said.
I grabbed one of my lunchables and began to eat it. Everyone continued to talk about the past week at their schools and how the students were behaving, the amount of work that went into teaching, and the next week. They all also mentioned Spring Break; a thing of the past for me. I could take an actual vacation and join them. We chatted about our careers and goals as we drink, waiting for the New Yorkers to return.
It was warm, so I decided to take off my shirt, revealing my body.
“Ooh, baby,” said Jenn. “Liz, you’re friend is sexy.”
I laughed shyly.
“He knows,” said Liz. “He’s come a long way.”
I laughed at her comment. She always had the backhand compliments. I did too and is why we were such good friends. I stood up, stretch and heading inside.
“Where you going?” Ali asked.
“Bathroom,” I said, hands raised in innocence.
“Ok,” said Ali, approving. “But you are breaking the seal.”
“True,” I said. I entered the hotel room. The balcony we had was perfect for the pregame. I used the restroom, washed my face, and fixed my hair, then decided I would wear a hat. I heard more voices outside. The New Yorkers had returned. I added some eyeliner to my brows as I had started doing for going out at night. I hadn’t inherited my fathers extremely thick brows. I grabbed a new shirt to wear, but I did not put it on. I stepped back outside everyone was talking and laughing.
“Hi,” said a girl, “I’m Molly. This is my boyfriend, Kristen.”
“Hi, I’m Evan,” I said.
“I’m Sarah,” exclaimed a short, dirty blonde girl. She was beautiful.
“I’m Blake,” said a man with long well kept hair. He had on a fedora to keep it even more tamed. He was not overly fit, but looked like he had at one point worked out.
“I’m Greg,” said a short, somewhat round guy. He wore a hat. His voice was defineitly that of a New Yorker. “Yo, Blake, this guy must workout.”
“Definitely,” said Blake.
“Looks good,” said Kristen.
Molly snapped a photo on an old Polaroid of us guys talking. She handed the picture to Kristen and he placed it in one of his cargo short pockets. I walked over and observed the camera. “Wow, I like. How much was this?”
“Not much,” she said. “You should look on Amazon, they have some good deals.”
“Will do,” I said. “What do you do?”
“Kristen and I are engineers in the same firm,” she said. “We work on designing engines for cars.”
I was impressed. “That is awesome. Any particular part of the engine?”
“Depends on the company asking, but it could be any part. It keeps us up at night, but never a dull moment,” she said. “What about you?”
“I live in Tulsa, and I work in entry level management,” I said. “But I aspire to be a novelist.
“You went to school with Liz?” Molly asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Did you studied English?”
“Business and Psychology,” I said. “You?”
“Mechanical Engineering and a minor in aeronautics,” she said.
“Sexy and smart, and creative,” I gestured at he camera. “I like.”
“Thank you,” she said with a smile.
“Wonderful body, by the way. You workout everyday?”
“Five to six days a week. And no I do not diet successfully,” I said. “I wish I could, and then I would be bigger.”
“He needs to be bigger,” said Blake, jokingly.
I smiled. I heard someone walking up the steps towards us. I was the only one to hear and looked to see.
The guy who stepped onto the landing was nearly 6’4”, strawberry blonde, and of a toned build. Nothing compared to my body, but he looked like an actor from a movie; one of the hot Brads. He definitely caught my eye. He must have sensed me starring because he looked my way. Our eyes met, but instead of one of us looking away, it was like the air stopped giving oxygen, the stars had come out amongst the city lights, and for that moment, we were on that balcony alone. His lips parted slightly, and then the crickets chirped, the skies turned black, and Sarah was there.
She hugged him. He hugged her and gave her a kiss, but once the kiss ended, he looked at me and grinned. My heart skipped a beat and I took a breath.
He hugged everyone and introduced himself to the others. I was his last introduction.
He took my hand and held it firmly. I felt his thumb twist in small circles rubbing my skin. His introduction was drawn out. “I’m Tate. And you?”
“Evan,” I said.
“Nice body,” he said, still holding my hand.
I tried to assure I did not pay much attention to this action. “Nice face.” The words came out before I could stop them. But no one was listening. “Sorry,” I said, pulling my hand away.
“Don’t be,” he said with a grin that was so warm and comforting. I needed to breathe. I turned and spoke with Kristen.
“So, how did you and Molly meet?” I asked.
“University, in a aeronautics class. She helped me pass the first test and encouraged that I get a minor in it because she was doing so,” he said, all while looking at Molly. “She became everything to me from that moment.”
I smiled. I did not want to talk about love while my heart was trying to get back into its regular pace and butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. I changed the topic to where they attended university and while he spoke, I listened just enough to get the information I would need to remember.
“Let’s go to the parade!” said Jenn. She took three shots back to back and handed my three. I followed her lead and we passed a bottle and encouraged everyone to drink. After a few shots, we left.
On the streets, we walked along the canal, the French market, which was closed for the night, and passed by the very NOLA architecture that reminded me of Paris.
“Gosh, I feel like I am back in Paris,” I said to Liz.
“Yes,” she said. “NOLA has that unique city feel you can only find in its streets. It reminds me of Paris too, but which a twist.”
I had studied in England while I was in university. I visited a few countries while abroad, including France, which had amazing food. I missed my European friends. They were a special group of people that held a place in my heart that were for only those six months. I had been able to be myself while I was with them. I was not afraid of who I was in England. I guess because I knew whom I was when I arrived on the great island and I had no one to hold me to a standard. I was free.
We came to the parade. It was moving with a nice pace, bands and music blasting from each float. I caught some beads and I could not wait to get to Bourbon street. I needed a drink and a good dance. I grooved to the band and realized I was hungry again. I told the others and we all decided we would go grab something to eat. I led the way, not knowing where I was going, but following the smell of food.
When we found a place I ordered next door at a breakfast restaurant. I then found a bar that sold small bottles of fireball. In line I ran into Tate.
“Need another shot?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said. I avoided eye contact as we waited.
“What are you getting?”
“A small bottle of fireball,” I said.
“Just all over the place with the liquors,” he said.
“I’m a talented guy. Liquor inspires me to dance, write, and whatever,” I said.
“You write?” he asked, extremely intrigued.
“Yes,” I said. “Why—do you?”
“Yes,” he said. “I want to be a screen writer. I have submitted a few things. No luck yet, but I am hopeful still. Blake and I write together actually.”
“That is really cool,” I said, catching his eyes. He grinned. “What genre of writing?”
“I like to write supernatural,” he said. “Blake is more into historical fiction. We have a series we want to work on that will encompass the two. He will do the research on the history and I will build the supernatural world.”
“I would love to read some of your stuff.”
“I would like to share it with you,” he said. “Especially you…”there was a pause, “I fellow writer,” he added.
“Well email me,” I said. We exchange contacts.
“What do you write?” he asked.
“I write fantasy novels, but I have had no luck on publishing,” I said. “I am going to start building up my rapport and platform when I get back to Tulsa. This trip is inspiring something in me and I want to use this spark.”
“You have a spark about you,” he said. I could tell the words had jumped from his mouth before he could consider how they would sound.
“Thanks,” I said, my heart skipping a beat. we reached the bartender and got our orders.
“So, how long have you and Sarah been dating?”
“A few months,” he said. “She just got a publishing deal with a record label. She wants to sing and she is good.”
“Really?” I asked. I had an interest in songwriting. I actually just had an interest in all forms of writing. “What type of music?”
“She wants to do strictly a pop rock sound, but she actually has been doing a some contemporary rock r and b.”
I like the sound of what he was telling me. “Is her voice dark and heavy? Carries a seductive tone?”
He nodded. “You know your music.”
“I know my sounds. I am a writer,” I said.
He accompanied me to pickup my food and then we returned to the others and ate with them.
Liz whispered in my ear, “Is there something going on with you and Tate.”
I looked at her and shook my head. “No.”
“Well, I think there is. He can’t stop glancing over at you,” she said. “I mean, you do have your charm that some guys just like.”
“Nothing is going on,” I said. “I just met the guy and you know I do not do home wrecking.”
“Me either, unless there is no home,” said Liz with a wink. We both burst into a hysterical laugh.
“What are you two laughing at?” Sam asked, intrigued.
We looked at each other, then back to Sam. “Just life.”
Sam grinned, knowing we had just shared a moment.
“Hey Liz,” Ali shouted. “You ready for these shots?”
“WHOA!” Liz responded.
Ali responded similarly and I saw that this chick was going to be just as much fun as Jenn. We finished and found ourselves to the busiest street in the French Quarter, Bourbon Street. Once there we found a bar playing some 2003/2004 music and quickly entered.
We all instantly went to the dance floor, where we began to “1,2, step” with
Ciara, “Lose Control” with Missy Elliot, and “Lean Wit It, Rock Wit it,” amongst many other songs. I sipped from the fireball I had gotten and went into a zone of drunk Evan. I found a girl who ushered me to dance and joined her. On the floor we grinded, caressed and eventually began to kiss. Her soft lips on mine, I felt her hand move to my groin and I did not stop her. We still moved as our tongues felt around in each other’s mouths.
Someone pulled on my shirt and I turned and saw Liz.
“We are all leaving,” she said.
I gave the girl another kiss and said, “Nice dance, beautiful.”
“Bye sexy,” she said.
Outside I said, “I am going to find a gay bar.”
“Ok,” Liz said. I headed in the direction of the crowd. As I walked, I realized Tate, Blake, Molly, Sarah, and Tate were following me. I slowed and spoke to them.
“I am going to the gay clubs,” I said.
“Ok,” said Molly, relaying the information to the others. When we found the gay bars, I selected one followed the music to the second floor. I wanted a drink, but I was already feeling myself. I went to the dance floor and the women followed me. We began to dance as the DJ said, “Who wants to rock the mic?”
Remembering Sarah could sing, I grabbed her and pulled her to the stage. I took the mic from the DJ and handed it to her. She put the mic to her mouth, intimidated by the crowd and began to coo, and then belt out a song. The crowd went bananas, impressed by her vocals. I danced in the background, and she occasionally joined me. As the song ended, we smiled and hugged.
The crowd cheered again and we found ourselves on thebalcony with the others.
“That was good,” I told her.
“Yes,” said Blake, patting her on the shoulder. Molly bought over shots and drinks for everyone. She passed the shots around and I looked over the balcony at the beautiful city and the down at the crowded street. I looked at Tate, and he I. I grinned.
“To martigras and new friends,” cheered Molly.
Tate and I held eye contact as we took our shot. I sipped from the drink and decided I needed another shot. I went to the bar and the bartender I had least expected to see.
“Wow,” said Bobby. He was shirtless, revealing his awesome body.
“Yes,” I cheesed, “Wow.”
“You’re just as beautiful in person,” he said. “Want to have a shot with me?”
“You’re beautiful too,” I said. I bit my lip. “And yes.”
He pour us two shots each and said, “To meeting.”
I took the shot and grabbed the second, deciding this meeting was so unexpected; I was going to go home with him. “To going with the flow.”
He caught my hint and we took the second shot. Though I did not want too hookup with guys from apps, I did not mind having a little fun with guys I met in the bars. I also wanted to try to build a connection with someone. Though this was not going to go anywhere, I knew that chances like this did not come around often. I returned to the others, who wanted to go to another bar. But, I was chilling. I took a seat, and sipped from my cup.
“You guys go ahead,” I said.
“You sure?” Tate asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “I know the bartender.”
Tate nodded, “Ok.” He sounded disappointed, but his expression remained calm and collect. “Goodnight.”
I would say the night passed with more blissful moments…it did not. I sat on the balcony, waiting for the bartender to swoop me up and take me home. As the bar shut down, I moved to the first floor, after him giving me a few more shots, a few shared kisses, and compliments. When he found me at the bar talking to a transsexual, he asked, “Ready?”
“Yes,” I said. I bid my new friend by. I had added her on social media. In the car, we rubbed each other’s closest leg as we chatted about our day. He was beautiful. I could see myself dating him if he were in a close proximity. It was not uncommon for me to meet date worthy guys who lived in a proximity that was just not worth the time. When we got to his place, he poured us drinks and started the shower. He was speaking my language.
As I drink my wine and undressed, he kissed me. After I was naked, I kissed him. He undressed and we moved into the shower. After all the shots we had at the bar, the urges were on the surface. I was definitely a selfish person in bed. That was not going to change until I found someone I could trust.
However, he found his way to his knees and his mouth around my cock. I did not engage in such activities often, but since I was “going with the flow,” I was not going to stop him. I breathed deep, enjoying his warm mouth on my dick. I found the condom he had brought in with us, pulled him to his feet, and kissed him. As I put the condom on, I played with his ass. I wanted to feel him and from his body language, he wanted me inside of him.
I turned him around and bent him over. I found his hole and pushed gently. He was so relaxed from the alcohol that he did not tense as I eased into him. I stroked slowly, going deeper with every motion. His hand found my waste and pulled me all the way in. I stayed deep and stroked hard. He moaned, in pain and pleasure. I wanted to take his dick, but I did not just let anyone inside of me. It was just too intimate; sort of like oral sex. I felt myself close to cumming. I stroked harder and faster.
“Yes,” he said.
“Fuck,” I moaned in pleasure. Getting closer to climaxing.
“Cum daddy,” he said.
“You want me to?” I asked.
“Yes,” he groaned, jacking off. “I’m about to,” he said.
“Here I come,” I said. I felt myself explode as he tensed in orgasm.
He breathed deeply as I pulled out. I kissed him as we bathed. We did not need to speak much. We both were tired. We made our way to his bed and passed out quickly.
I woke to my alarm. It was just 9:30am. I rolled over and dressed.
“How are you awake?” he asked.
“I’m on vacation,” I said with a smile. We exchanged contacts. I called and uber and kissed him. “Talk to you later.”
“See ya,” he said, rolling over.
When I arrived back at the hotel everyone was awake.
“Baby, where you sneak off to?” Jenn asked.
“I was being super gay last night,” I said, smirking. “And bad.”
“Ooh!” Jenn responded. “You have a picture?”
I showed her a picture and she nodded her approval. Sarah and Molly came over to look.
“He is hot,” said Molly.
Liz came out of the room with Sam and Ali. She came over and said, “Hi,” handing me a cider. I did not drink beer. I drink some and realized I was still drunk from the night before, but that did not stop me from sipping. I felt the drunk wash over me and I was liking the feel. Everything became a nice haze. I dance with Liz, Ali, and Jenn. The New Yorkers watched us as they chatted. After I changed into a new outfit and we hit the parades again. I would say I remember them clearly, but honestly I don’t. I was near blackout. When I came to my senses it was dark, the crowd was moving around me and I was back in the French Quarter on Bourbon Street.
The club we were in was excellent. I twerked, jerked, and grooved on the dance floor with everyone around me. I realized Sam, Tate, Liz and Ali were the only ones there from the group. I yelled to Sam, “Where is everyone?”
“I don’t know,” he yelled, with a shrug of the shoulders. I continued to dance.
I needed another drink, so I went to the bar. Tate and Liz followed.
“Water?” asked Tate.
“No,” I said.
“How can I help you?” asked the lady.
“eight shots of fireball, and a rum and coke,” I said.
“Six,” said Liz. “You don’t need six.”
“I will share one with each of you,” I said. I could hear myself slur a little. “But don’t save me, I don’t want to be saved.”
“Good,” said Tate, with a mischievous look. Liz had zoned out and missed his comment.
“I may need a bit of saving,” I smirked.
“Then I’ll be there,” he said. He turned a light red.
“Here you go,” said the lady. I handed her my card and took three shots. Tate watched, eyebrows raised. He was thoroughly impressed.
“How are you so fit and alive?” he asked.
“Balance,” I replied. I grabbed the other shot for Sam and Ali and moved back to them. They cheered and we all took our shots. I drink some of my rum and coke, continuing to dance, holding it steady. Tate and I danced a bit in an awkward stance, but I ignored that he was nervous around me. I touched his forearm and he did not pull it away. I was feeling him, but he was straight and had a girlfriend. I removed my hand from his forearm as Sarah crossed my mind. He grabbed my arm and nonchalantly pulled me closer.
I noticed that no one was paying attention…except Liz who gave me the duck lips and smirk. Tate did not care though. He was drunk and so was I. But I would not let this go any further than this I told myself. When the song ended, I made my way to the outside alley where there were more tables. Everyone followed and we found a table. I did not know if I had sat at all that day.
“Last day in NOLA,” said Liz. “Have you enjoyed it?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Now all I have to do is make it through work tomorrow.”
“That sucks,” said Tate, coming around and handing me a drink.
“Where’s ours?” said Sam, shocked.
“I owe him one,” said Tate.
“I get it man,” said Sam. “You ladies thirsty? I mean for a drink?”
“Ha, ha,” said Liz.
“Yes Dad,” said Ali.
“I’ll get drinks,” he said. He moved to the bar and Ali and Liz followed, leaving Tate and I alone.
I sipped from one of my three drinks and looked at the crowd. It was cooler outside, but I was still hot from the dance floor.
“So, what do you do?” Tate asked.
“I work in entry level management,” I said. “But of course, you know I want to be a writer. What do you do?”
“I am a hiring manager,” he said. “Been doing that for the past year. I enjoy it, but I want to write too. The jobs a means to an end, like yours.”
I nodded in agreement. “So, what is your most interesting character you have created?”
“A guy who falls in love with his good childhood friend. She doesn’t reciprocate the feelings, but he is such a complicated character because, though he had a good upbringing, when he was 19 his father killed his mother and it really messed him up. It did not stop him from becoming successful, but it wounded him emotionally and mentally.”
“Wow,” I said. “What makes him want to push on?”
“The realization that life is not based on a moment, but billions of them.”
“I always tell friends, ‘I had a moment’,” I said.
“Who is your favorite character you have created?” he asked.
“I’m still working on him,” I said, looking into Tate’s eyes. “But I feel closer to him now.”
We held each others gazes, and then Ali returned, sating her drink on the table. I took a sip and looked at her drink. “What is that?”
“I will tell you this,” she said, a finger raised, “it has everclear in it.”
“I see you,” I said.
The others returned and we chatted as my drunk began to take back over and I started to go in and out of blackout.
When I came to I saw I had packed my things, which was so like me. I pushed myself up in the hotel bed. Everyone was up and moving around. I showered, brushed my teeth and dressed. Liz and I carried out things to the car and I said, “I am so not ready to go home.”
“I’m not ready for you to go either,” she said, “but I still have to get back here and turn up.”
I laughed. We got into the car. Sarah knocked on the window, and I rolled it down. “You mind me riding with you all to Baton Rouge? I wanted to grab something from this shop.”
“Of course,” Liz said.
Sarah hopped in.
Before we could pull off, we heard Molly yell, “Guys wait! Picture!”
We laughed and got out. The ushered to come back on the balcony. We all posed and one of the cleaning ladies snapped the photo.
“Ok, we have to go,” I said. I bid farewell and exchanged contacts with everyone.
In the car, Sarah asked if she could play some music. We gave her the aux cord and sat back. My flight was in a few hours, but I did not want to miss it. Sarah put on a chill playlists of artists everyone would know or tunes most would enjoy. When a voice that sounded similar to Sarah came on I asked, “Is this you?”
“Yes,” she gushed.
“Really?” Liz said. “You sound good.”
“Thanks,” she said.
We listened and at the end of the song praised and critiqued the sound, as Liz and I were so good at doing. Sarah took the criticism well, knowing we wanted to make her better.
“You need to write for me,” Sarah said. “I read a post of poetry and it was so lyrical,” she said.
“Evan is such a good writer,” said Liz, “but he doesn’t share anything.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I would love to work with you. We need to work some lyrics together.”
“I will email you,” she said.
“So now I have three new writing buddies,” I said.
“Wow, you do,” said Liz. “You do not have many back home, right?”
“None at all,” I said. “I need to move to Cali with my cousin.”
“She is a well known local writer in the Bay area,” said Liz. “Niyah Moore. She has some good stuff.”
“I will check her out,” said Sarah making a note in her phone. The drive was quick. When we arrived at the airport I bid Liz goodbye and said, “I will see you in about six weeks for our next adventure.”
“What are you all doing in six weeks?” Sarah asked.
“We think Sixth Street in Austin or a little road trip,” said Liz.
“In six weeks I will be in Austin doing a small show,” she said.
“Then we will be in Austin!” Liz exclaimed.
“I would love that,” said Sarah.
“Bye ladies,” I said. I headed to the check-in, looking back like a runway model would. Then I was off.
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