The vengeance of my childhood lover

in #romance3 years ago

image.png (unknown artist).
I was 16 years old when my girlfriend died in a car accident, or that's what I would call it to rid myself of the guilt. I told my then-girlfriend Yukasu to wait outside a house while I went inside to cheat on her. She trusted me blindly and waited outside the house. The girl inside was none other than her best friend. It took over an hour, but my girlfriend was unaware that a truck was coming her way. It crushed her head. The sound of her excruciating scream still echoes in my memory.

Two decades since that incident, I was married to a wonderful woman and started our own family. We moved back to my childhood village alongside my wife and two children. However, we felt an uneasy presence the minute I set my foot back into the village. My older son felt footsteps alongside the presence of someone stalking him every afternoon when he came back from school. My wife often heard a faint, distant humming sound while she cooked in the morning. I think the most perturbing part was how our younger son once experienced the air pushing him down our stairs. He broke his arm that day.

"Honey, I think there's something seriously wrong here!!" my wife said to me in agitation.

"Oh, what can possibly be that?" I replied trying to sound confident.

"I can't quite put my fingers on it.... but I think we need to move again!" my wife said.

"Oh please, we've barely even stayed here for a week!" I replied trying to ignore the chandelier from falling off.

Five weeks went by as fast as they came, but my wife became more mentally distressed. She would no longer leave our house to walk with me, and our sons were forbidden to leave our house after 8:00PM by her curfew. One particular night, I was worked by the humming getting into my right ear. It came from outside the house followed by the sound of children laughing, the sound of our sons. I was angry that they were out playing at this time of night. My belligerence was suddenly disturbed by the sound of my older son shrieking outside. I immediately changed myself and went out.

There, I saw something I would never forget. Both my sons were under an arm of a woman standing with her back head at me. Once she turned around, I immediately felt my chest throbbing with agony. The woman had half a face, and her other half-formed into an expression of pure hatred. She had two knives coming from either end of the air, and she was pointing them at my sons. I yelled out, and my wife heard me from her bedroom, so she came down to check on us. I slowly recognized the woman who was holding our sons, and it was Yuka. The eye on the other half of the decomposed face glared at my wife as she looked at her in horror.

"Why don't you tell her, Derek?!!" the specter said with pure hostility. "Tell her how you made me crush that day!!"

"Honey, what is she doing with our sons?!!" Belinda shrieked out as she rushed at her, but an unknown force swept her to the ground.

"Belinda!!" I screamed out. "Yukasu, you've got to put an end to this madness!!' I demanded, "our sons and my wife got nothing to do with this. I made you suffer!"

Yukasu began laughing in a demonic manner before the two knives came on either side and killed my sons. My wife died from a heart injury by the force throwing her to the ground. I've moved far from the village since that night and still suffer from PTSD. I got a priest to come and wash me clean, but I still struggle to move on from the sight. The sight of my adolescent girlfriend would still come to haunt me at night. I can no longer sleep without headphones because I would hear her humming.