How Do I Know If He Is Really Right for Me?

in #romance7 years ago


You are dating someone and there is a part of you that is totally happy with him and you feel like he really might just be the kind of guy that you have been looking for, but then again, there is another part of you that just isn't that sure. You don't want to have these kinds of doubts, but you know that they are there. Are there any signs that you can look for to try to determine whether or not he is really right for you.
Here are few things that I think you want to see if he truly is the guy you should be with:

1. He doesn't have to be begged to spend some time with you.

A lot of women do actually end up being with guys that they have to practically beg to come and see them. If the man you are currently dating does NOT fit that mold and he doesn't have to be begged in order to come and see you, he might be right for you. Of course, this is probably not the only sign that you want to see, because sometimes even guys who really are not relationship worthy still want to go and see the woman that they are dating.

2. He is a responsible guy, not the kind of guy that you have to make decisions for.

It might feel good for a little while to be with a guy who needs you to make the decisions for him, but what promise does that hold for the future? Responsibility is usually a good indication of whether or not you are going to have to deal with a lot of problems down the road, the more responsible he is on his own, the less likely it is that you are going to have to deal with any problems that can't be handled.

3. You can't stop thinking about him and it seems like he can't stop thinking about you.

This is a good sign if you want to know if the attraction and chemistry is really mutual between the two of you. When you know that seeing him equals the best part of your day and you can tell that he feels the same way about seeing you - you can usually count on the fact that he probably is the right man for you to be with.

4. He talks about his future and when he does, the discussion includes you.

This is a good sign if you are hoping that things are really going to blossom into a long term relationship. If he is talking about future things and you just happen to always be included in those plans, chances are good that he is serious about being with you and you probably do have a future with one another.

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