Omg Winston, your "peopling" has gone to the next level! I love how this story played out and you actually gave me some goosebumps with the candidness of some of those photos mixed with your musings!
Well Played Ser!
Omg Winston, your "peopling" has gone to the next level! I love how this story played out and you actually gave me some goosebumps with the candidness of some of those photos mixed with your musings!
Well Played Ser!
I've gotten bolder with the camera as I've noticed no one cares. Still, place your bets now for the first time I get punched in the face!
So glad you like the pictures!
Hmmmm maybe if you keep continuing to get bolder you may get assaulted one day hahaa!! No upskirting!
X2^^ I’m reading it with a big ol grin on my face. I don’t know how he does it.
Aw shucks!