I just recently decided to go back and rewatch the HBO series, Rome, which was one of my favorite TV shows since Seinfeld--and I don't really watch any TV shows. I saw episode 10 of the first season. The episode in which Gaius Julius Caesar becomes emperor of Rome--to control and rule what he calls a "New Rome" for not just the privileged few but for the common people.
This is so fitting for our world today as all these corrupt and useless governments are completely exposed and laughed at by virtually everyone with a semi decent internet connection. Watching the episode made me think about how we humans are still struggling with the attraction to power, control, and demigods.
We revere them but in the end know that it is really just our inner struggle of not wanting to accept the fact that none of us have any control over life and death. And eventually we will all die. That's why we see stories of good vs. evil. That's why Caesar and Rome eventually fall. That's why we have stories like David slaying Goliath. That's why Hitler doesn't end up ruling the world. And that's why for this short time we have on earth, humanity eventually prevails towards to good.
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The show analyse deep politics and sensitive details of the Roman Empire, saw few episode of season 1 or 2 @mcordy
Thanks for resteem
warm welcome
Excellent work dear friend @mcordy, very interesting, thank you very much for sharing
Thanks bud :)