Cristiano Ronaldo & R Kelly Arrests Loom - Has Post #Metoo Society Had Enough of Celebrity Rapists?

in #ronaldo6 years ago


On1/10/2019 A warrant was served for Cristiano Ronaldo. American police seek Cristiano’s DNA regarding an investigation into a 2009 incident Ronaldo claims was consensual. The incident was from years ago, and Ronaldo is furious at it haunting him since he already paid for silence and is used to being treated as if he is more important than other human beings. The woman was paid for her silence, she even signed a non-disclosure agreement. In the past, this meant a celebrity had paid for a woman’s silence and would get away scot-free and could even sue if the woman ever did talk. While most of detested this kind of behavior, we all watched, waiting for someone else to take action until we all realized no one would…until we all realized we need to unite. This had become a culture where a man can pay for rape no different than one might pay for a nice meal, ice cream at a parlor, or a nice polo shirt, this is a culture that has to end. In the past, I had worried that the internet was desensitizing people and changing people for the worst, but at last, it seems like people in the real world AND online are united in being tired of predators getting away with heinous crimes.
There was hush money involved so many are calling the woman a gold digger, but if she was truly violated no amount of money should stop Ronaldo from being prosecuted! I am proud of the Las Vegas police department for being diligent, and not blinded by his celebrity like some people have been in the past. Police seek Cristiano Ronaldo’s DNA in connection with an allegation from 2009, which Cristiano and his lawyer claim the events were consensual, according to this ESPN report. He had paid off the victim and had her sign an agreement to keep quiet,and according to Ronaldo here: it is just “a media spectacle”.
Money has helped Cristiano Ronaldo’s looks, but he can’t buy out a rape case
While this may prevent her from suing him for cash, it will not give him immunity from prosecution if he committed rape, sexual misconduct, or other heinous crimes. The crime happened in the USA, so courts in the United States would have jurisdiction over any case involving the Juventus F.C. Star. Meanwhile, R. Kelly is dealing with the same old problems, while no new evidence may have emerged against Kelly, the existing evidence against R. Kelly may be damning when looked at through the lens of today’s culture and society. We can only hope this is the end of carte blanche sexual assault and rape by celebrities. Rape is a strong and ugly word, but sexual assault is not powerful enough a word for such sickness, so it’s time we start calling it what it is again.
onaldo has leaked his settlement deal with the accuser in an effort to discredit her, along with releasing a social media attack against her. This seems a bit too cold and calculated for myself and others to believe he is doing for any other reason than to turn than public against his accuser and hold a trial in the court of public opinion. While those type of tactics may have worked for celebrities in the past, this could mark the end of special treatment for celebrities in rape and sexual assault cases.

After leaking his settlement deal, Ronaldo may return to Portugal and avoid trial in the United States of America.
If you had thought that the Ronaldo story had run its course I would have said you were right. Over the past year, I heard the investigation from 2009 was reopened, but that was the last I thought we would hear of it. We were told that new details from a 2009 case were being brought to light, but I think we all expected the story to disappear as quickly as it arrived, especially since there had been a payoff and NDA years ago (2009). To be honest, I was an insensitive jerk when I first heard this, I assumed the woman spent her settlement and wanted more, but the more that comes out the more I know I was wrong! I try not to victim shame and consider myself a generally good person, but we all can be guilty of prejudging at times and I am no exception. I don’t claim to know every detail of the story as if I was there, and as a moderate, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle…but even with that said something doesn’t smell right here! Now Cristiano Ronaldo is being investigated in a potential sex scandal, while R Kelly suffers from a similar but different situation. Like Ronaldo, people have known about Kelly for a long time, but although the allegations have been much more serious, Kelly was able to beat his court case. Since then, many more allegations have been raised against Kelly.
Today as Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” reminds the public of the heinous allegations against R. Kelly, in the wake of #MeToo movement the public is demanding justice more than ever! It seems we as a people are no longer willing to accept celebrity buy-outs, pay-offs, and cover-ups and that law enforcement is also taking allegations against celebrities more seriously.
I thought that new information might lead to a civil case, but now I know this investigation is far more serious! In the wake of the #MeToo movement, there have been a small handful of men that have had their name slandered ( Aziz Ansari) that did not deserve it, but overall the movement has been very successful in uncovering the truth about men in power. Recently a Lifetime docuseries was released entitled, “Surviving R. Kelly”.
This shows that although the #MeToo movement was very successful in many ways, it is not over. The wake of the movement is spreading and still sending ripples that could turn this from more than more than just a brief movement, and into “the #MeoToo Era”. Heck, what if things just went back to where we treated people decent and with respect without being told to, and without needing the internet or any other authority to police us other than our own ethics and morals? Call me old fashioned, but that does not sound so bad to me!

An R Kelly entourage member has been connected with a SHOOTING THREAT that was made in an effort to prevent the screening of the series ‘“Surviving R Kelly”, to the public. It is unclear if it the same, or another incident, but it is also reported that Kelly’s manager threatened parents of some of the victim’s appearing in the “Surviving R Kelly” series. In the past, R Kelly has received the “Donkey of the Day” award for his stupidity, but this week he received it AGAIN but this time it may come with a complementary prison sentence!

If the series contained false or incorrect information, I feel like Kelly would either be suing and using legal channels, or he would just be speaking out against his accusers. Occam’s razor would state that the reason a Kelly associate threatened the theater, was because either himself or Kelly wanted to prevent the public from seeing the series.

The only question is whether or not the man acted purely as a friend, or as a paid employee/henchman of Kelly’s in order to try and hush up the truth. Charlemagne on “The Breakfast Club” morning show, the Premier morning show in Rap and Hip Hop music and culture elaborates on the situation.
Charlemagne can explain the situation from a perspective with more general knowledge AND specific inside information,you can click here if you want to watch his video and find out WHY Charlemagne thinks R Kelly is enough of a jackass to earn the Donkey of the Day AGAIN, which I think gives R. Kelly more Donkey of the Day awards than ANY MAN IN EXISTENCE EVER! What a creep Kelly is, as if pedophilia isn’t enough he really had to go past that and urinate on a victim. We have no place men like this in our society! Let’s unite together to build a new society, where the next generation of children doesn’t have to hear stories like that on the news a 2nd time, where sexual predators are caged up or put down the 1st time! I know that is impossible, but if we strive for it we can only make the world better. LeBron James just wanted to play basketball, but according to this ESPN article: now he is opening schools, which he says “Is one of the greatest moments in my life”.
People like R. Kelly and Ronaldo need to stop being memes and just joked about and held accountable in the courtroom if they are guilty. While I do not want to see men vilified or prosecuted that don’t deserve it when the facts show a crime was committed, we cannot look the other way. Just because someone is a politician, athlete, rapper, singer some things are just not OK, this is not a speeding ticket we can let them off on. They STILL deserve their day in court, they still are innocent until proven guilty, but as a society, we can no longer afford to look the other way! I was surprised to see the Ronaldo case reopened, but I am glad we live in an age where people no longer get off purely due to their celebrity! Maybe R Kelly is Next…just maybe……