I have to admit it, I am pretty new to this whole crypto-currency caper, so when SteemIT fell into my lap I thought, wow, I can blog and earn coinage and help others whilst I do this.
Now, I have to also admit that SteemIT has taken up a bit of my time lately as I try to contribute to the platform and build a following. All this time has raised the eyebrow, and some questions, from my better half. To prove my love, and that I am not wasting my time, I decided to cash in a small amount of SBD to prove it can actually convert into real money.
Now my newness to this all required me to ask someone helpful and in the know so I got into the PAL Discord channel HERE and asked some wise guys @ausbitbank and @sammosk in the #teamaustralia room.
Where can I do this I hear you ask?
I was pointed in the direction of @roomofsatoshi - https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com/
This is a Brisbane, Australia based service where you can use a few of the main crypto-currencies (STEEM included) to either pay bills or deposit directly into a bank account.
How do I do this I hear you ask?
Go to https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com/ and enter your bank details (details below are false), type of Crypto-currency and amount in AUD. (Make sure you chose STEEM as the currency type if converting directly from SteemIT wallet)Hit submit and you are presented with this screen:
Go to your SteemIT Wallet and Transfer STEEM (must be STEEM not SBD). Enter the information from the https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com/ from above and wait for the payment to go through. Go back to https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com/ and check that the payment has gone through and voila.....your deposit will be in your bank account within a few days. That easy.
The @roomofsatoshi transfer can time out so you must do the transfer in a timely manner.
I found the process very easy and straight forward and the cash was available in my bank account 24 hours later.
Now I can continue to Power Up and have my better half understand that what I am doing is building something for the future, not wasting my time writing boring rubbish!
I hope you found this informative, please feel free to join me on the DiscordPAL channel (https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw) in the #teamaustralia room if you have any questions. There are a lot of other much more experienced guys there too who can answer your questions more thoroughly than me.
Thanks for reading.

sweet bro, I saw a couple mentions of this today, I think I better give it a shot, good luck with the missus and good luck for the future, to the moon! xD
Cheers. Hope this makes it easier for you to use.
Ah thanks for this, now I can spend some of my ether to pay bills 😐
Glad I could be of assistance.