Reply to D. Seaman Re Rothschild Family

in #rothschilds7 years ago

As with the mobster syndicate, an internal dispute can lead to extended tit-for-tat assassinations among global loci of power. The most salient event of this kind occurred in 1996 with the probable assassination of Amschel Mayor James Rothschild at the Bristol Hotel in Paris, which was categorized by French Establishment figures as a suicide. Publicly, the Rothschild family appeared to accept this official story. However, privately they may well have sought the exact reason and party who committed this crime for purposes of retaliation (much as the Kennedys must have sought information about the assassination of JFK). Presumably, this mission by the Rothschild family would have been retaliation executed sub rosa. What could not be easily determined was "who done it?" USSR? Mossad? Rockefellers? A branch of Freemasonry? Vatican? For many years there has been an elitist alliance to advance world government, but sharp divisions among the primary circles of power might well be settled by "war." Precisely when such a war began or exactly when it will end is very hard to guess. Needless to say, this commentary is heavily speculative. It is based on the stature involved with the assassinated figure and the stakes of the goal of global government under the control of a perhaps diverse international front. Yet, it is possibly an issue between English and French Rothschilds for dominance and power. Such conflicts, which have occurred frequently in the past, may supply motivation. A similar dispute might be playing out in Saudi Arabia even now. The Washington Post and The New York Times quickly fell in line with the French Establishment rendering of the event. The Washington Post story was front page but strangely terse, considering the magnitude of the "suicided" Rothschild. One account noted the Masonic symbolism re the figure of the deceased Rothschild, which might have been a "false flag" itself. The world is governed much differently from what is imagined by those outside the halls of power (paraphrase of lines from CONINGSBY by B. Disraeli).