You never know when you may be within a royal court ..or an an event that requires a high standard of etiquette!
Why is it so important ?
If you are in court of a Royal or guest it is always important to represent yourself in the best way possible
It is a universal class that provides personal security, protects the feelings of others,makes communication clear, enhance your status at work,makes good first impressions, and more.
This begins at home so it is best to begin practicing it in private.
Here are only , but a few basics to implement in such settings.
Business etiquette can be very similar in the very basics of personal etiquette for both sexes the same rules apply.
The Exception among women
Sitting -Notice the posture and legs that are not crossed over knee.
Properly sit -A BIG no no sit with legs crossed at the knee. Instead legs and knees must be kept together, although crossing at the ankle is fine.
Yes, we still curtsy !
Curtsy-Make your curtsy subtle unless you are bowing to the Queen or King then you may bow more deeply and with longer pause
Dress- Dress appropriately and modestly for the occasion. Preferably solid colors -not too busy, matching accessories , no cleavage, skirt slits etc.
The Basics of Personal Grooming and Personal Etiquette are crucial!
Clothing no no's
Personal etiquette to be mindful of
The Tiara -Know how to properly wear a tiara -In modern times it should be at a 45 degree angle when viewed from the side. In addition, tiaras are a must for a royal bride’s wedding day
Enter the room in order-When the royal family is part of a procession, they enter and are seated in the order of precedence, which is essentially the order of who’s next in line to the throne
Hold teacups properly- Tea time is an adored must! So it’s especially important that they hold their cups correctly. They use their thumb and index finger to hold the top of the handle, while the middle finger supports the bottom. They also sip from the same spot so the rim doesn’t have excess lipstick stains.
Hold utensils in the correct hands-They hold knives in their right hand and forks in their left with the tines facing down. Instead of stabbing their food, they balance food on back of their forks, then bring it to their mouth
Leave the table without a fuss-
If royals need to use the restroom during a meal, they don’t announce their intentions. They simply say, “Excuse me,” and leave it at that. If they’re not done eating, they cross the utensils so wait staff know not to take the plate. When finished with the meal, they place utensils at an angle, putting the handles at the bottom right of the plate (like 4:20 on a clock).
Fold napkins in half-This rule is for keeping face, specifically a clean one. When they wipe their face and hands at the table, they do so inside the fold so their clothes don’t get dirty. Although there are some foods you should smear all over your face, avoid that at all costs when dining with royalty.
Shake hands -Royal handshake: Keep direct eye contact with the person in front of you, grasp their hand firmly but not painfully, shake for one or two pumps (no more!), and shine a royal smile.
Queen to Gentlemen
Queen to Lady
Descend stairs gracefully-Men in the royal family put out a helping hand when their spouses go down a flight of stairs, especially at formal events. The women keep their chins parallel to the ground and hands at their sides. If there’s a banister, they rest a hand on it (rather than grab it) and keep their toes pointed toward the railing while they walk.
While being assisted -gentlemen assist always
I hope that you have enjoyed this very basic foundation lesson for all who endeavor to improve all of their personal etiquette.
Remember it is the little things in life that count, so it will carry you farther to implement this into your life no matter what your classification. There are countless situations in life when you will have the opportunity to practice small kindnesses that will reveal your true character. Every little act may improve someone else's life a bit and that person may pass it on to someone else.
Credit and Sources
Some aspects
Thanks for sharing because there are many points of useful information here, although I must leave on a punny note:

Very good information and have enjoyed reading your article. Being British we are accustomed to knowing how to be in the presence of Royalty. Thank you Kelly
No more feed bag for us;-O
Nice info.
I've always wanted to be Royal! Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks for the info.
Good etiquett should be introduced in everyday life as well as royal!