
in #royalscum7 years ago

The Queen is the richest person on the planet and has just recently been given another 80 million squidleys dur to alleged austerity she's going through, yet there are people that are having there houses possessed because they ain't got enough money for food, let alone pay their rent or mortgage, which will mean their home which they've probably struggled to pay will be repossessed by the fraudulent banks. On account she is the queen of the commonwealth, then why is she not assisting the people her subjects in their times of need, instead of helping herself and her family of Parasites. People you need to wakedafuckup and start seeing the truth for what it is, you are being raped on a daily basis by these scumbag Parasites!!!!!
Recently I've come across reports that the Royals and elites are involved in manhunts which pretty much end in death for the individual being hunted, puts the film hostage into a whole new perspective, after all the rules of this game called life, state, that we the people must be informed of the steps and actions that'll be taken against our FreeWill Being, However not the manner in which it must be informed to us, and film and music is the way of the powers that be of informing us, and it's in plain sight, so again wakedafuckup people!!!