Custom Gaming adventures: Part 1

in #rpg7 years ago

Just an old picture of a Dungeon Boss

So for this here, I am not sure how often I am going to post on this topic but I am going to more or less use this as a means to track my own progress. The last installment did not work with the desired results, more or less due to my own shortcomings. I didn't put enough work into it for something that should have taken a lot of time and effort.

So for my home brew game, I want to try to use as much of what DnD does right, but fine tune the stuff that in my opinion they could have used some work. I will be focusing on how health and actions are done, as well as how armor class works. Another thing I want to experiment with is wounds and living with them on a permanent basis. One thing with DnD that bugs me is the characters never really suffer from any permanent ailments it is essentially you are either A.) Alive or B.) Dead I would like to see how certain characters react to losing hands or eyes or some soft tissue in a leg.

So this first installment is pretty much me ranting on what I would like to see, the next one I will be delving into some of the practical mechanics.


I always found it weird that heavy armor stops some spells as easily as a sword. And that everything is just a clear cut hit or miss.

I also feel that DND has lost a bit of creativity when it comes to class creation. We still have the same basic stuff from 20 years ago. Lots of people want to play other variations that don't come to life when you have to take certain class and skills just to get a taste of what you are actually after.

One thing that you really might want to look into are the variant rules that start at page 263 in the DMG. We use the Gritty realism rest variant on 267 and lingering injuries on 272. I've edited the table of injuries for my own game, and created a second one. It still needs more playtesting.

Basically, I have two charts. One for each critical hit, and one for when my players fail a death save. I do make the effects stack, and it may get slightly expensive to have them removed.