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RE: Quest post week Ten: pumpkin man?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

map update


the pumking man ses the colonists and...start summoning. pumkings popping upp all over the place.

@methus (5 pumpkins) @happyme (4 pumpkins) @blockurator, his worker (9 pumpkins) @cyber.explorer (4 pumpkins) @stever82 (0 pumpkins) @hhayweaver (2 pumpkins) @enjar (5 pumpkins) @paradigm42 (4 pumpkins) @creativetruth (4 pumpkins)(parts of the pumking man)


What color am I? I don't see my stats in the post anywhere.

ye good point give me one sec

@cyber.explorer now you are inn a bit random color but you are "big dark Turquoise"

Okay, thanks!

the pumpkins are attacking a did a maual roll. a few of you got hit. and the next turn is out.

Why do I only have 4? 2+2+1=5 did I do something incorrectly?

you did to many moves. moving is one action

Charge is included in 1st attack
stayed put in 2nd attack
stayed put in 3rd attack
4th was struck out as I knew I did too many moves
I don't understand why I did too many moves.

you are correkt. my bad.

Thank-you. I was hoping I wasn't playing incorrectly all the other times, along with everyone else who were doing the same thing.