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RE: Week Seventeen Colonye post: Rescue the Reindeers?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)




Worker 1 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 2 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 3 - Mining stone with the stone quarry. (5+1+1=7)
Worker 4 - Hunting with the hunting cabin. (3+1=4 food and 1 hide)


Trade with the outpost OR other players:
I have 2 stone clubs +3 and a stone hammer +3 that I will trade to the outpost for 4 silver each. (outpost is buying for wood or stone, but trading wood or stone for silver at 1:1) I would like 12 silver for the 3 weapons.

I am looking to trade anyone some stone for better armor.


I will be the scientist that researches the blacksmith this week.


What armor do you have now? I have leggings + 1 and Boots + 1 available to trade.

I have just the basic hide set. I am looking for enhanced items.

I can make any studded leather piece, if you would like to place an order this week...

Sure! Would you make me a studded chest plate please?

The price is 16 silver, is this acceptable?
It will be done next week. Pay when finished.

I have 16 silver. I seal the deal.

noted a like on…arming up :)