
At last I have control of a pumpkin and look around still so many so I use the smash attack melee (stomp stomp jump on the ground) @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Pumpkins Guts are all around I have smashed many of them yet I see no end to this and see the pumpkin man in battle with my comrades and try a charge attack with my club as he must be the key. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

OOC I think I landed a hit with my club and the bonus from the charge attack but please confirm

yes u did. the pumkings man is mad out of pumkings you get two more. 6 pumkings

Great I landed a might blow with my club and wait to see if the was enough to stun him.