Is there any good Russian Science Fiction that has been translated to English?

in #ru8 years ago

Hello! My name is Tom, I'm a big science fiction geek (I'm American, born in Alaska and live in Seattle). I learned basic Russian in college and studied physics. However, since then I've sort of stopped studying Russian. 

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Том, я большой научной фантастики Компьютерщик ( я американец, родившийся на Аляске и живут в Сиэтле ) . Я узнал, основной русский язык в колледже и изучал физику . Тем не менее , с тех пор я вроде перестал изучать русский язык . 

I'm also very fond of the "Space Communism" aesthetic. The whole golden era of space is really awesome, and nobody sold it better than the USSR. (Well, Kennedy did but got shot) Is there any Russian equivalent of Robert Heinlein, and how can I read it online?

 Есть ли хорошие русские писатели фантазии , как Роберт Хайнлайн ? 

It would be really cool if I could read the Russian and then get a translation to English. I can read Cyrillic well enough but don't understand the words. I think it would be a fun way to brush up, learn words, and read a good story!

 Было бы очень здорово, если бы я мог читать на русском и затем получить перевод на английский язык. Я могу читать кириллицу достаточно хорошо , но не понимает слов . Я думаю, что это будет интересный способ освежить , выучить слова , и читать хорошую историю ! 

Для космоса !


Hmm, I know it's not science fiction, but there's always the Night Watch books... The movies are fun too.

Really?))) You are read The Night Watch books?))

Well, I'm a Russian and I really don't know, because I was born in Russia not in the Soviet Union )
Oh, I googled and in one minute realized, that I had read a book by Kir Bulychev, it was really good. Also, Aelita by Alexey Tolstoy is considered to be the main book of the early Soviet space travel period. Also, Ivan Efremov and Alexander Belyaev.

Enjoy :) If you can read basic Russian, here is the link for you about the brief history of soviet space literature. Authors are in bold :)

the dispossessed , by ursula leguin , not russian but is space communism. at least the moon is.

I think Ivan Yefremov's books are some of the best in this genre, both very Communist and well-written ;) Looks like Amazon sells some English translations.

I also highly recommend Strugatsky brothers -- they are by far most prominent Russian sci-fi writers. While they were not eager promoters of Communism -- in fact, they were at odds with the regime -- I believe many of their books fit the Space Communism label. Try Noon: 22nd Century (Полдень. XXII век) or Far Rainbow (Далёкая Радуга). In their later works, they became concerned about societal changes being brought by technological advances and painted more grim future, e.g. in The Ugly Swans (Гадкие лебеди) or The Doomed City (Град обреченный)

Top-5 Russian science fiction writers

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Sergei Lukyanenko
Vasily Golovachev
Dmitry Yemets
Kir Bulychev

ТОП-5 русских писателей-фантастов:

Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие
Сергей Лукьяненко
Василий Головачев
Дмитрий Емец
Кир Булычев

Спорный выбор. Но предлагаю добавку. Классика + новинка

Лазаревич Технокосм сайт автора на бесплатном хостинге блокируется антивирусом, но это не правда. Час Быка

A friend just loaned me this anthology. I haven't had a chance to dig into it yet.

There are also some translated Russian stories in Vandermeer's new hundred-year anthology.