programming language to make it. There are many language options that we can use to create a mobile app. Here's our concise programming languages that can be used to create mobile apps.
according tiobe index, Java is a programming language most popular in June 2017. if readers want to make Android application then Java is the best option at this time. Java have a community of very was great, both in the world as well as in Indonesia. in Indonesia own Java even have a Facebook group with members of the largest after PHP. in the presence of the community great we will not be difficult to find the answer when find trouble.
kotlin a language designed and developed by jetbrains, the company of origin Czech develop ideas popular as intellij idea, pycharm, rubymine, phpstorm, etc. even Android studio used every programmer Android professional is an idea developed on the idea. in may ago in the event Google I / Ooh 2017, the team Google's Android officially announced full support for programming language kotlin to make Android application.
kotlin developed to overcome the shortcomings owned by the Java. in addition, one of features of the most important of kotlin is this language can be used in conjunction with Java in the same application.
if readers want to develop applications for iOS, operating system for iPhone and iPad, then Swift is an option to be the reader select. this language introduced in 2014 and released source code it on the 2015. Swift is very popular among developer iOS especially for the startup. Apple has been added features cool to language Nini like syntax simple, can tell programmer origin of the error occurred, etc.
endeavor Apple to promote the Swift suggests that they want to this language be a primary language for ecosystem iOS.
before the Swift, objective-C. is spoken language for iOS. although Swift is almost took over as the primary language pemrogramaan iOS, there are many projects iOS depends on the codes objective-C.. therefore the transition from the objective-C. Swift will be taking a slow and readers will probably need a second language for some application projects.
Programming language a very popular among the Web developer is also be one of the language we can use to create a mobile applications. framework JavaScript is the most popular to make a mobile application is ionic 2 and react native. using one framework will allow US published applications running iOS and Android than one source.
typescript is a superset of JavaScript that offers more security through options static typing. this language support better to write the application of large-scale. typescript allows developers writing mobile application cross platform using frameowrk like nativescript.
is a programming language for Windows mobile. syntax is very similar to C. ++ and Java. Microsoft developer, adopt features Java to simplify the architecture of C. # while keeping the design remain similar to C. ++. C. # also have a community of pretty large and active.
as one of language of the most popular according to index tiobe the same as Java, language C. have a community of developer experienced. language C. can be used to create a mobile applications with Android ndk (native development kit).
if readers fmiliar with C., it is likely the readers would like to write and read the code C. ++. C. ++ is the development of the language C. the added features high-level and support for object-oriented programming. C. ++ is also a language favorite developer Android ndk also spoken language to develop applications tizen also Windows mobile.
language popular because it easy to learn also allows US to write a mobile applications. if the reader is used to write a Python code, the .NET framework kivy can readers select to develop a mobile applications.
Ruby is not just Rails, this language can also be used to write mobile applications. RubyMotion is
Ruby's excellent framework for creating native and cross platform mobile apps.
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