You looking at it wrong. I only spent 11 minutes on 2K.
This one is "bakketrening" i ran uo and down this hill for 27minutes. Lol. Im not running 2k in 19minutes. That is slow i think. Nornally 5K afternoon runs is ablut 30min.
But i really dont carr so much ablut numbers and such.
I just feel great after running and it makes me happy.
Inget thhese endorphine rushes afterwards. Very healthy for x-addicts to excercise.. everybody aawell.
But this winter i was in the hospital 3months so i gained alot of weight so i need to ecxerxise and be healthy :)
yes a understand its bakketrening. its not the same but when a was living in oslo a biking a lot up to tryvann and its interesting to see over time how the time is going over time. u have good numbers keep going..:)
Yeah i think its fine. Main thing is to be healthy abd having fun. And if the numbers get better thats fine.
Yeah the trip from tryvannstua to tryvannstårnet is a nice ride.
Used to bike dlwbhilld the dowbhill slope from Frognerseteren to Mittstuen a lot with my Kong King Kapu bike many years ago :)
Bakketrening was on jogging. Not bike.
Biked 20K today with blth kids in the wagon behind the bike on my GFs girl bike lol.
Good leg training