De acuerdo a la tradición del Oráculo Rúnico del linaje de los sacerdotes de Odin, la runa Isa nos indica que hay momentos en la vida en que notamos que no avanzamos, por lo cual es el momento de cambiar el ritmo de la marcha para lograr resultados diferentes, puede ser el llamado a detenernos para reflexionar sobre los avances, los logros y las pérdidas.
Isa también nos puede estar indicando inseguridad en el camino, algún complot o traición, por lo cual es necesario detenernos para esperar que las aguas se carmen o la tormenta pase, no todas las batallas se ganan luchando, algunas veces se ganan sin combatir.
Al ser Isa una línea vertical nos indica que no hay versión inversa, pero el camino lo podemos seguir andando mirando hacia arriba, puede ser que arriba de nosotros exista una solución y no la hallamos visto.
According to the tradition of the Rune Oracle of the lineage of the priests of Odin, the Isa rune indicates that there are times in life when we notice that we are not moving forward, so it is time to change the pace of the march to achieve different results, it may be the call to stop to reflect on progress, achievements and losses Isa may also be indicating insecurity along the way, some plot or treason, so it is necessary to stop to wait for the waters to go down or the storm to pass, not all battles are won by fighting, sometimes they are won without fighting. Since Isa is a vertical line, it indicates that there is no reverse version, but we can look up, it may be that there is a solution above us and we have not seen it.

Runes are a form of writing originally used exclusively for Celtic liturgies and rites in the ancient religion of the inhabitants of the Nordic and Scandinavian lands, for spiritual use only, not to record the spoken language. With this series of graphs we began the promotion of the ancient writings that were part of the extinct cultures with which in some way or another we are still related..

A la derecha de la imagen pueden observar el diseño vectorizado para indicar que la imagen es original del autor del post sin ser bajada de internet y los derechos de usos son reservados.
I hope you like the designTo the right of the image you can see the vectorized design to indicate that the image is original from the author of the post without being downloaded from the internet and the rights of use are reserved.
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